He read Jack’s message again, the one about Ismay being stuck onanother guyand used his app to call for a ride.
Ismay felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Livingston hadn’t been able to tell her much, but he had indicated that what Remy had shared with him was specific and significant and should be enough to get a conviction—hopefully followed by some counseling. Several of the women whose panties were in that bag knew Bastian, but they’d never had any kind of contact with him that would give him access to their underwear. That meant he’d been breaking in and stealing it—and had probably been watching them, too. Some of them were locals, even older women, but others had been tourists who’d visited the island while he was around.
“To think I was staying in the cottage with him,” she said to Jack with a shudder. “I can’t believe Remy let that happen, knowing what he knew, but I’m going to keep my promise to not go to the papers.”
“Didn’t he say he was surprised by the duffel bag? That he hadn’t thought of the Peeping Tom accusations in years?”
When he’d called to tell her he’d gone to the police, he’d explained all of that. But still... “He did, but I told him Bastian tried to get in my room!”
“Even if he knew Bastian had a problem with women, he probably thought—because you were his fiancée—you’d be exempt.”
She held her wineglass loosely in one hand. “That’s a hell of a gamble to take. I’m still freaked out.”
“I don’t blame you.” He put down his soda and waved off the waitress when she asked if he wanted another. “I think he’s expecting you to come back to him now that you know he’s innocent.”
“I haven’t promised him that, but I did tell him I’d meet him for breakfast in the morning, and that we can talk. It’ll be the first time we’ve had an open and honest conversation about our relationship since I left LA.”
“What do you think he’ll say?”
“I’m guessing he’ll want to salvage what we can during the next two months, before his residency starts, or he wouldn’t have asked to see me.”
“Are you tempted?”
She pursed her lips as she examined how she felt. “No,” she decided. “Not even a little bit. Whatever happened with Bo... It changed me. I can’t go back.”
He crossed his legs out in front of him. The bar was getting busier as the night wore on, so he had to talk louder to be heard over the crowd. “Remy won’t like that answer.”
“He generally gets what he wants. But not this time.”
“Maybe I should go with you.”
“I’ll be fine. It was Bastian who pulled on the steering wheel. I feel bad I ever doubted Remy.”
“Have you heard from Bo?” Jack asked.
Her heart suddenly felt heavy as she shook her head. “You?”
“Just a few lines when I told him about Bastian.”
She finished her wine. “What’d he say?”
“He wanted to know if you’re going back to Remy.”
“And what did you tell him?”
“That you’re holding out for him.”
She gasped. “Jack! I hope you didn’t! I’ve given him plenty of time to respond, and he hasn’t. He’s obviously not interested.”
“You don’t know that,” he said.
“It’s becoming clear.”
Jack was startled by something happening behind her. Then a huge smile appeared on his face. “Oh, yes I do,” he said.
“What—” she started to say but turned to look over her shoulder at the same time—and saw Bo walking toward her, carrying a bouquet of flowers.
“Sorry these look a little sad,” he said as she stood up and he handed them to her. “The street vendor by the airport was closing and didn’t have a lot left to choose from.”