And it’s not just a chuckle.
Like, she laughs and laughs.
“Trippy would cut off your fucking balls if you cheated on anyone. But then again, you’d have to at least commit to someone before you can be a cheater, and we all know that’s an issue for another day.”
King pulls to a stop at the end of the exit to turn toward my neighborhood. He shifts in his seat and glares at me. “Appreciate your help …sis.”
“Look I know cheaters since I’m married to one. Cheaters need a certain level of chill that you’ll never have. You’re wound too tight.”
“Thanks,” he says as he stares right at me. “I guess.”
“What else would you like me to confirm?” she asks.
“That’s plenty.”
But his sister keeps talking. “That you’re a workaholic with commitment issues?”
King rolls his eyes.
“That you stopped putting the toilet seat down when you went into the Army? That you don’t call me enough? That when Trippy kills someone, it’ll be on your soul, not mine, since she bought the damn golf cart on your watch? Should I go on?”
“Nope,” King says. “That’s plenty. Talk to you tomorrow.”
“Wait, I’ve got more?—”
But King touches the screen and hangs up on her.
“It’s your sister,” I whisper.
“My sister,” he confirms. “So you can calm your tits and sleep well tonight. You are notthe other woman.”
He shakes his head and accelerates when the light turns green.
“I’m sorry. I really am. It just sounded like your wife from my perspective.”
“I’m not married, Goldie. Not even divorced. I’m not seeinganyone. Hell, I’m not even texting anyone. Does that make you feel better?”
“No,” I admit. “I’m sorry I flipped out on you. I feel horrible. It’s been a long day. I’m exhausted and emotional.”
“I never would have guessed.”
I lean in on the console and poke his shoulder with my index finger. “I’m going to blame it on the hormones. You’re the one who made me pregnant.”
This wins me a hint of a smirk as he pulls in the parking lot of Colony Park. But he says nothing.
And I don’t blame him.
“I’m really sorry. You have to be sick of me. I’ve got to be the most high-maintenance confidential informant you’ve ever worked with.”
King pulls into a spot, puts it in park, and unbuckles his seatbelt.
The next thing I know, my face is framed in his big hands and his lips devour mine.
And this isn’t like the kiss at The Pink the other day when I didn’t know who he was.
That was Daniel Armstrong saving me from getting caught by Dex.
This is different.