Page 66 of Exposed


He drags a hand through his hair, mussing it in a way I can’t stop thinking about. He’s not Daniel when he’s like this.

This is pure King.

“I thought you weren’t talking to me.”

“I need to ask you a question.”

He sighs again. “Ask away.”

“Why did you say that I’m pregnant?”

“Because you said I liked olives.” His answer is quick and efficient, as simple as the answer to two plus two.

I gape at him. “Seriously? That’s so petty.”

“No, it’s brilliant. You’re pregnant. Who wants to fuck with a pregnant woman? Other than Daniel. I’m sure he’ll be happy to do that. But you know what I mean. If anyone has any boundaries at all, the fact that you’re with child might mean something to someone. It was worth a shot to keep you safe.”

I stare at him.

“I don’t understand you,” I whisper.

“I don’t understand women in general, so we’re even,” he mutters. “Speaking of, I need to make a phone call.”

This time he doesn’t mess with the Bluetooth and picks up his phone. “Hey. How’s it going?”


“Yeah, about that. I’m not going to be home tonight.”

I gasp.

He’s married?


“Well, if you want me to leave my informant in danger and lead the cartel to the house, then sure, I’ll be home for scallopini.”

His wife wants him home for dinner!



King sighs.


“I’m doing my best here, Lake. Tell Willa I’ll try to be there tomorrow, but I can’t make any promises.”

It’s even worse.

He has a daughter.


“Tell Trippy I’ll stop by to see her by the end of the week.”