“Tim will shit if you go in alone,” Micah warns.
Bubbles play on my screen before a short, clipped text appears.
Goldie – What are you talking about? And why wouldn’t I lock my door?
Dex’s soldier turns to look around and before taking the handle and trying to turn it.
Me – Because someone is trying to get in.
“King,” Micah bites. “Do I need to radio for backup? Do not fucking go Rambo on anyone.”
Goldie – How do you know this?
The guy actually jiggles the handle.
Goldie – Someone’s trying to break in!
Me – I’m sitting in your parking lot. Don’t open the door until you hear me on the other side.
Goldie – No! If he’s trying to break in, I’m calling the police.
“King,” Micah bites. “What the hell is happening?”
“I’m going in.” I grab my weapon and climb out of the car. “If I can’t defuse the situation and send him on his way, you might see me on the news. But the last thing I need are squad cars swarming the place. That’ll ruin everything.”
“Dammit.” Micah sighs. “If I don’t hear from you in the next five minutes, I’m calling for backup. We need pole cameras on that building.”
I holster my gun in the back of my pants and yank my shirt out of my jeans to cover it.
Me – Open the door when you hear me. And by the way, I am the police.
My stare is pulled away from my rattling door knob to my cell.
Fiancé - Open the door when you hear me. And by the way, I am the police.
I guess he is sort of the police.
But I jerk when a bang hits my door followed by a demand from a voice I recognize. “Open the fucking door, Goldie. I have a message from Dex.”
That is not my fake fiancé.
I step back, stumble into the wall, and have to catch myself so I don’t lose my footing or go crashing to the floor.
“Goldie!” he yells.
It’s Randall Becerra. I’d recognize that evil voice anywhere.
I squeeze my eyes shut, because as much as I do not want to see the DEA agent who threw me back into Dex’s spotlight, I need him to hurry the heck up.
Moments feel like days as I clasp my phone to my chest and listen to the man bang on my door three more times. “Open the fucking door?—”