“My cell is inside. What’s wrong?”
“There were no openings for Rocco in Miami. We knew this. There are hardly ever openings in Miami. Tim was trying to pull some strings, but there were no strings to be pulled.”
We stop in the sand right before the water licks our shoes. “Oh no. Where is he assigned?”
I rip this damn hardhat off and swipe my hand through my hair. “New Orleans.”
“New Orleans?” Goldie frowns. “That’s so far away.”
“Baby, it’s the government. He knew he could be placed anywhere when he took the job. It could be worse.”
“Is he upset?”
Goldie and Rocco bonded during his bodyguard days, but their relationship is nothing like Rocco and Landyn’s. “Rocco is fine. Landyn is not fine, and she’s freely telling anyone who will listen.”
Goldie winces. “I need to check on her.”
“A spot will come open. It might take a couple years, but he’ll be able to transfer back eventually—if that’s what he wants.”
“He has no family, King. This tight group is all he has.”
“He’s his own man, baby. He made it to the DEA. It’s all he’s ever wanted from the moment he officially gave up his past life. He’ll be fine. If this is his family, nothing will change.”
“I guess.”
I turn back to the massive building that Goldie designed herself with the help of an architect. “You didn’t answer. Are you on schedule?”
She sighs. “The roofers are running two weeks behind, but the landscapers are itching to start. I can’t let them start before the roof is done or the roofers will demolish my plants. But overall, we’re not that far off schedule.”
I lean down and kiss her. “Good. It would be nice if we could get rid of these hats before the baby comes.”
She rubs her belly. “That’ll be tight. Especially if our little prince decides to make an early arrival.”
“He better not.” I take her hand and lead her back to the building. “You hungry?”
“I’m always hungry these days.”
“Pizza or tacos?”
She gives my hand a tug. “Are you trying to make all my dreams come true or fishing for a blow job?”
I smirk. “For a blow job, I’ll get you pizza, tacos, and throw in a churro.”
Her grin swells. “And to think I didn’t find you charming when we first met.”
“Tell me the end-game, baby. If I need to stop for churros, consider it your appetizer.”
“Well, now I’m hungry for a churro. We’ll negotiate the rest later. Put on your hat, King. I’m growing your baby. I can’t have a two-by-four land on your head.”
I throw my hardhat back on just for her and lead her through The “new” Pink.
A new start.
A new beginning.
And a love that will last a lifetime.