There’s nothing in the world I need more than her, so I move.
Granted, not fast.
My body fucking hurts.
Micah stands over them, cell to his ear, and staring at the ground with his other hand gripping the back of his neck. I can barely see his face, but his expression is nothing but pained.
Hell, even Rocco is here. He’s crouched low with a hand on Goldie’s bare shoulder, consoling her.
When I get to them, I stop.
Not one of them notices me.
Micah glances up first.
For a microsecond, he looks like he’s seen ghost
Until he mutters, “Fuck me.”
His cell falls from his hand, and he almost tackles me to the ground. Somehow we stay vertical, and I know for a fact it’s not me. I’m still dizzy.
I hear Rocco next. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Goldie. Goldie!”
When I finally push the offensive lineman off me, I see her. Her dark eyes hit mine at the same moment I look down.
“Dammit, King. We thought you were dead.” Brax curses me for almost dying, but I never break eye contact with Goldie.
Her sobs turn to tears of joy.
Don’t ask me how I know the difference. I just do.
I fall to my knees at the same moment she throws herself into my arms.
My world balances.
I’m the fire to her water.
She calms my intensity.
And I know for a fact…
I can’t live without her.