She gives my shirt a little tug. “What the heck what?”
I shake my head.
“King.” She bites my name loud enough, I think she forgot about the thin walls she grew up in. “Do you remember our first time together? And our shower after Dex’s guys beat you up?”
My gaze meets hers. “Baby. Every moment with you is etched on my brain forever.”
She pulls herself to me by her grip on my shirt and she’s back to a whisper. “I want that. I want you to want me so much that the rest of the world melts away. That there’s nothing between us. Not a case, not a bad guy, not horrible memories. Because since I met you, all of that bad stuff has been brought to the surface, but whenI’m lost just in you, I forget it all. When you want me, I want to know it. I don’t want you to hold back and be careful.”
Her words sink deep into me, piercing my gut like a sword. My chest is tight and I have to work hard for a breath. “Fuck, baby. You’ve got me spinning. How can I love you more than I did two minutes ago?”
She freezes in my arms. “Excuse me?”
My hands separate on her body. One hand dips in her hair and the other wraps around her sweet ass. “Look at who has the hard head now.”
“You said the L word.”
“I did. And since I’m the emotionally stunted, grumpy one, it’s a shocker for me too.”
“You said the L word.” Her words are even quieter this time.
I exhale and shrug while still holding her to me. “Feels pretty fucking good. Who knew?”
Tears well in her eyes. “There’s no way you can love me. Love takes a long time. Some people are together for years before they realize they love someone.”
“You’re throwing me curve balls here, Goldie. One minute you want me to ravage you and the next you want to put me on hold for years to elevator music. I’m forty-three. How long do you want me to wait?”
“Are you a baseball fan?”
“For fuck’s sake. It’s like you’re talking in circles. I’m chasing you baby, but I can’t keep up.”
“You said curveball. This is how little I know about you. I know you played little league, but everyone played something when they were little.”
I give her ass a firm yank into my rock hard cock. “I’m a fan of you. That’s the only thing I can think about right now.”
A small, reserved smile settles on her lips. “Making you listen to elevator music is the last thing I want.”
“Yesterday was a shock to my system.” I tell her the truth that still festers inside me like a smoldering flicker that could flame up at any moment. “Someone could’ve put paddles to my heart and nothing would’ve ignited me like listening to that recording.”
She lets go of my shirt and wiggles out of my hold. As much as I don’t want to let her go, I do.
Thank God, she only puts one bare foot to the floor before she climbs back on. She’s knees to the bed, straddling me, and one with my body.
Or she would be if it weren’t for our fucking clothes.
Her hands frame my face. My hands go to her ass and pull her to my cock, where she’s meant to be.
Now and forever.
She tips her forehead to mine. “I’m pretty lucky that you kept the secret from the world about how wonderful you are for forty-three years.”
I pull her down on my cock. “Saved all the good stuff for you, baby.”
She rocks back and forth and presses her tits to my chest for good measure. “That’s a long time. Thank you.”
I slide my hands up her sides and grab the hem of her tee on the way. “We need to get something straight. In fact, I’ll make a deal with you.”
“Is this like the last deal you made with me when I had to sign government documents?”