Page 123 of Exposed

Basically, these women have been nosy in the kindest and most genuine way possible.

“I’ve attended a couple charity events at The Pink,” Evie says as she bounces baby Zane on her lap while helping him hold a teething ring. They’re both a mess from the drool, but she doesn’t give it a second thought. “The place is one-of-a-kind, but to own half of it? It’s no wonder you left your mom and life in Virginia to move here. Anyone in your shoes would do the same. Who knew an American version of the cartel was operating out of it.”

“Your family could buy The Pink,” Annette says to Evie.

Evie smiles shyly. “Probably, but it doesn’t have anything to do with science so they wouldn’t. But that’s not the point. It doesn’t matter what your brother is involved in. Half of that is yours. Fight for it.”

“She’s right,” Annette adds. “I’m a high school teacher, not an attorney. Signing something in duress has to be against the law, right? And who knows if what you signed was legit. It’s not like your brother is a law-abiding citizen. He doesn’t want the attention from the courts.”

“I have thought about that,” I admit. “Not that I can do anything about it.”

“Yet,” Annette amends. “When everyone is in prison, that’s another story.”

I shake my head. “That’s a big if.”

“If? It’s not very often that our men don’t get the bad guy.” Landyn says and looks around at the other women. “Am I right?”

“As long as I’ve been around, they have,” Evie says.

Zane squeals in agreement.

“I’ve been around longer than any of you, and I feel good things,” Annette says.

“I can’t think about that right now,” I say. “Not after what my brother did to King. He won’t come out and say it, but Dex did that because of me. It was his way of getting his point across that he can still hurt me without laying a finger on me.”

The women share a look that I don’t understand.

“What?” Then it dawns on me. “You think I’m right. Right?”

Annette shakes her head. “Who knows? Honestly, can anyone predict what the cartel will do?”

“She’s right,” Evie says as she stands and shifts Zane to her hip. “You don’t know my story, but it’s a doozy. Trust me when I say anything is possible. The worst thing you can do is blame yourself for something out of your control. It will eat you up.”

I look out the window where King and the guys are watching the kids swim. It’s been two days. The bruises on his olive skin shine in the bright summer rays even though the swelling on his lip is almost gone. The cut is still deep. At least he closed the gash on his eyebrow with the bandage.


I look back to Landyn who’s reached out and folded her fingers around my hand. I say nothing.

She gives me a squeeze. “He’s fine. Even if he still looks worse for the wear, I promise you, he’s fine. Even Brax said when it was going on, they never once thought about going in after him.”

I don’t nod or shake my head because this whole thing is too messed up for words. But these kind women confirmed what I’ve thought all along.

And the thought of anyone experiencing pain because of me is too much.

But King?


I’m about to say as much, but King, Tim, and Micah barge in the back sliding doors. I look outside. Brax is dripping wet and toweling water off Baylee and instructing the boys to get out of the pool.

“What’s wrong?” Evie asks.

“A man from the Carter Cartel was pulled over this afternoon and arrested on an outstanding warrant. We just got word. They’reholding him, so we’re going to ask him some questions before they let him go,” Tim says.

“Why would they let him go?” Annette asks.

“Because we want him out to see what he’ll do. But the interesting thing is, that Dex is finally talking on the wire, and not about his latte order or the next shipment of crab legs for The Pink,” King says and turns to me. “Brax is going to stay here with you. We’ll go back to your place when I get back.”