Page 105 of Exposed

Micah: Did you miss the part that he’s fucking his confidential informant?

Rocco: I feel like that’s a job requirement for the DEA after Brax and Micah.Nicely done, King.

Me: You did take the physical test to start the process today…

Brax: What?

Micah: You took the fucking PT test and didn’t tell us?

Rocco: Can I not do anything on my own? I’m a grown-ass man. Had I told you guys, you would’ve shown up with pom-poms or some shit. It was bad enough that Tim came.

Brax: Tim knows, and I didn’t know? I’m the one who saved your ass, and you didn’t tell me? Wait, does Landyn know?

Rocco: I didn’t tell her because I knew she’d tell you, which was what I did not want to happen. But then Tim told King, and it seems his royal fuckness can’t keep his mouth shut.

Micah: Tim told King and not us? That’s it. My feelings are fucking hurt.

Me: You two aren’t the only game in town anymore. I broke the barrier.

Brax: So you passed, Roc?

Rocco: Of course, I fucking passed. And as fun as this never is, I’m done. King, feel free to side-bar me about my bodyguard duties. Do not add me back into the chat unless someone has been kidnapped or a life is on the line.

Brax: I always knew you wanted to be an agent. I’m fucking proud.

Micah: I’m tearing up.

Brax: I’m texting Landyn now. Expect a call any moment.

Rocco: Goodbye.

Today 7:01 PM

Rocco Monroe left the conversation.

Micah: How about that?

Brax: He didn’t want our help.

Me: He’s just fine on his own.

Micah: From now on, consider yourself kicked out of the club if you keep shit like that from us, King.

Me: Tim threatened me to keep my mouth shut.

Micah: The Code of Conduct Rulebook threatened you to keep your dick in your pants when it comes to confidential informants. You didn’t give a shit about that, but this is the vow you decide to keep?

Me: Speaking of vows, we’ve got to wrap this up before my fake wedding day arrives.

Micah: I don’t know. Brax’s fake wedding was one for the record books. It was epic. Yours could be too.

Brax: No one can top my wedding day.

Me: I’m out. I’ve got to make Goldie dinner.

Micah: Damn. Love is in the air.

Brax: Impressive. I still don’t cook. But I do have to get back to potty training.