Page 85 of Exposed

Goldie’s head drops to her hand, and I wonder which she is regretting more—moving to Miami or taking the meeting with me.

My guess is it’s a mix of both.

She swallows hard before she utters the next words. “Thank you.”

Dex does not respond.

He hangs up.

Goldie disconnects the call, slumps into her chair, and stares at her cell like she can’t comprehend what just happened.

“And now it gets interesting,” Micah bellows.

“Shut the hell up.” I frown at him and turn to Goldie. “Are you okay?”

Her gaze shifts to me. “Do I look okay?”

No. She does not look okay. Not at all.

“You look fine. You did a good job,” I offer.

“Looks like we just got put on the clock,” Brax drawls and stands for the second time.

“Days. Not even weeks,” Goldie mutters. “Can you get this done in a matter of days?”

I lift a shoulder and do my best not to lie to her. “Probably.”

Her voice rises. “Probably?”

I don’t have time to answer, because there’s a knock on the door before it’s pushed open.

It’s Tim. “King. In my office.”

I barely have a chance to give him a chin lift when I get his back and he’s gone.

Goldie shakes her head. “This is crazy. I’m engaged, pregnant, and getting married to a man who doesn’t exist at the very place I don’t want anything to do with.”

I stand and give her shoulder a squeeze when what I really want to do is kiss that expression off her face. “Stay with Brax and Micah. I’ll be right back.”

“Come on,” Brax opens the door. “I’ll get you a cup of coffee while King gets his ass chewed by the boss.”

“I’m not going to get my ass chewed,” I say as I walk past him.

Micah laughs. “Oh, prepare for your ass to be thoroughly gnawed on, Jennings.”

“Another thing for me to be mortified about,” Goldie mutters.

I’m halfway out the door when I hear Brax try to comfort Goldie. “Trust me, with the shit that’s gone on before you, there’s nothing to be mortified about.”

No truer words have been spoken, even though I am not looking forward to this meeting.

When I finally make it to Tim’s large corner office, I’ve barely crossed the threshold when he demands, “Shut the door.”

It clicks as I start damage control. “Boss, I didn’t mean for any of this to happen?—”

He waves me off as his ass falls to his office chair and the palm of his hand shuts me up. “Save it. I’ve heard it all before.”

I stuff my hands in my pockets and decide to stand.