Page 50 of Exposed

“I don’t know what to do,” I admit.

He tips his head and wets his lips as he contemplates his words. Or maybe he’s just contemplating me.

I haven’t had anyone contemplate me in a long time. Not in any way. And since the man doing so has actually kissed me, even if it was for show, it feels strangely intimate.

“For the second time today, I’m asking you to trust me when you know nothing about me, and that’s after you got fucked over by your brother.”

I lift my cheap wine to my lips and take a sip. “That’s true. You should tell me about yourself. Your real self.”

He stays where he is, firmly planted in my space. “I had a career in the army before I became an agent. I was a Ranger for most of that time. I specialized in raids and carrying out missions deep inside enemy territory.”

“Oh. That’s impressive.”

He simply shrugs. “That career ended before I wanted it to. Surgery after blowing my knee out meant I can live a normal, healthy life, but not at the level to be a Ranger. Pushing papers on a desk for years sounded like hell, so I retired. The DEA hired me. I barely made the age cut off, but here I am. I’ve been doing this for seven years. And I almost took the cartel down three years ago in Panama. Another case blew mine to shit, and I had to start over.”


“Yep. His money laundering funnel was cut off before I had the chance to make the case.” He lowers his voice even more, and his tone makes the hair on my arms stand straight. “This case has gotten under my skin in a way that keeps me up at night. I’m going to get your brother. I refuse to stop until I do.”

I bite my lip. “I’m sorry I’m being wishy-washy. There’s nothingI want more than for you to stop Dex and everyone who works for him.”

“The way I see it, I get my man and stop the biggest importer of cocaine in this part of the country. And you get your inheritance back.”

“You’ve said that more than once. I want all that, King. I do.”

“In all my years as a Ranger, I never left anyone behind. Not one. And I did scarier shit than dealing with Carter. I’ll take care of you, Goldie.”

“Thank you.”

His blue eyes narrow. “For what?”

“For telling me something about you. I appreciate that.”

He nods. “Should’ve done it earlier.”

“But you did it now. That’s all that matters.”

“Are you in?” he asks flat out. “Because if you’re not, I’m starting from scratch and need to figure my shit out.”

“What is it about you that’s made me say yes to the same thing twice in one day?”

A small smile touches his lips. “I’d say it’s because I’m charming, but I’m sure you can see that’s not the case.”

“No, you were anything but charming the first time we met.”

“Goldie, I’m used to working with the scum of the earth. I’ve never gone undercover with a beautiful wedding planner.”

“I made you nervous?”

He shakes that question off. “You’re not exactly the kind of target I’m after.”

I take another sip of wine, needing the cold, tangy alcohol to cool my nerves. He was nervous. He was a Ranger and chases drug dealers, and he was nervous about our non-lunch meeting.

“I’m going to need you to assure me that when we walk into The Pink tomorrow night for dinner with my half-brother, you’re not going to be nervous. I will be shaking in my heels. One of ushas to have their act together, King, and that person needs to be you.”

And just as the conversation took a lighter tone, King brings us right back to the ugly reality of what I’m about to walk into. “I’ll be your rock. I’ll never waver. We’ll make a plan, and I won’t leave your side.”

“I believe you.”