Dex doesn’t take my hand. Instead, he unbuttons his suit jacket and casually draws it back on one side, showcasing the weapon holstered on his hip. Three men who are younger and bulkier move in behind him for back up.
The show he’s putting on is lame, and I’m not even carrying.
It just goes to show anyone with a shit ton of money can pretend they’re sovereign.
Well, buddy, I’ve made my way into your lair, and I’m not going anywhere.
“Never heard of you,” Dex states as he stares at Goldie. “I didn’t know you hooked up with anyone, let alone anyone who would be here.”
“Baby, you didn’t tell him about us?” I croon and press my lips to Goldie’s forehead before turning my attention back to Dex. “What can I say? I’m a lucky bastard.”
“I wouldn’t bet on that,” Dex bites. “You didn’t answer my question. Who are you, and how did you make your way in here?”
“Cory Shaw,” I answer confidently. The moment I drop that name, Goldie tenses by my side. “He and I have crossed paths in the past. He insisted I attend your little get together tonight as his guest.”
“Shaw,” Dex echoes and turns to the henchman flanking his left. “Did we ever locate Shaw?”
The meathead shrugs a thick shoulder in his ill-fitting suit. “Haven’t seen or heard from him in at least a week. Been calling … even stopped by his place. He’s nowhere to be found.”
Dex turns back to me. “How do you know Shaw?”
“The same way everyone knows Shaw,” I toss back. “I’m here, aren’t I? Are you really the kind of man who’s going to make me spell it out?”
“Only since you’re with her. Goldie and I cut ties—and when Icut ties with someone, it’s for life.” He pauses before pinning the woman at my side with a glare that can only be compared to a violent death. “Isn’t that right, little sister?”
I feel every breath Goldie takes. They’re shallow and quick and edgy as fuck. So when she speaks, I’m shocked there’s a backbone in her tone that I haven’t experienced yet.
“Half,” she states with resolution as she stares back at her older brother. “Not the good half.”
“If you think you can waltz your skinny ass back in here and try to undo our agreement, you forgot exactly what that other half represents. And tying yourself to this no-name asshole who thinks he has some connection to the Carter family through a low-level soldier we can’t even locate is low even for you,Marigold.” The way Dex emphasizes her full name with disgust makes me want to implement cruel and unusual tactics we reserved for the worst enemies back in my Ranger days.
Goldie’s thin frame turns to stone at my side. It feels like she’s about to say something. I doubt that something will do much to defuse the situation.
She needs to shut up, so I take a chance, because the need to defuse the situation is my first priority. I slide my hand to her ass and give her a firm squeeze. “That’s no way to talk to your sister, half or not. I was invited here by Cory and want to work with you. How about we put our differences aside in the name of business?”
Dex’s gaze shifts from my hand on his sister’s ass back to my face. “What is your business?”
Goldie’s grip on my arm tightens, silently asking the same question.
“Cory and I met a few years back. We crossed paths in Panama when we were both there on business. When I moved back to the States earlier this year, I knew he was in Miami and looked him up. Our businesses still complement one another. He invited me to this,” I wave my hand around at the ridiculousplace, “little party. I assumed if I were a guest, I’d be treated like one.”
“My invited guests are always treated with respect,” Dex says as his eyes wander to his sister. “It’s the uninvited ones that will be dealt with in a much different fashion.”
I allow my hand to wander up Goldie’s back and finger the ends of her thick brunette waves. “Everyone here has a plus one. If you’re not going to afford the same to me, I’ll take my business where it’s appreciated.”
Dex crosses his arms. “Since Cory is nowhere to be found to make proper introductions, maybe you can explain what business you’re in.”
I shake my head. “Not if I’m going to be treated like this.”
“Daniel.” Goldie clears her voice and places a hand over my chest. “This isn’t worth it. Can we please leave?”
“Wait a second,” Dex stops us. “Now I’m curious about the man you tied yourself to when you wanted nothing to do with your own family. No one is going anywhere until I’ve learned more about your husband-to-be. He will, in fact, be my brother-in-law.”
Fuck. This just gets better and better.
Dex Carter, my fake brother-in-law.
My cell goes crazy in my pocket. Cruz and Emmett need to cool their shit.