“Yes, Mom.” It’s all I can do to keep the tears running down my cheeks out of my voice. I’ve cried off and on for the last two hours. The three before that I was so angry, I caught myself speeding four times. That must be why road rage drives people to do such outlandish things. “I’ll be there tomorrow.”
“Well,” she exclaims and doesn’t sound tired any longer. “I don’t know what brought this on, but I can’t wait to see you.”
I do my best to even my voice. “I can’t wait to see you too.”
“How long have you been driving?”
I don’t even recognize myself these days. So many lies. “I just left. I wanted to beat the morning rush. I’ll find a room before I get too tired.”
“I’ll be. You know the rules.”
I swipe at the tears on my face. “I’m a grown woman. I don’t need to call you every two hours to check in.”
“You try that, honey. Find out what happens when you get here.” She says it with a smile in her voice. “Be careful. Those big truck trailers don’t see little cars like you on the road.”
“They do, but I’ll be careful. I’ll check in from time to time.”
“Love you, Goldie-bug.”
“Love you, Mom.”
I disconnect and place my cell in the holder so I can follow the GPS. I gave myself five hours to change my mind.
Come back…
I’m sorry…
A date at the altar…
I’ve turned around at least a million times in the last two hours.
You know, once I got over the anger.
I need a minute.
Or a year.
Heck, I just need a break, so I’m taking control.
And I’m giving myself one.
The traffic in the Carolinas was worse than normal. Bumper to bumper for hours. What should be a fifteen-hour drive turned into seventeen.
I’m exhausted and the last meal I ate was a gas station burrito near the southern end of North Carolina.
Shocker—it didn’t settle well.
I’m running on Diet Coke, sweet tea, and Tums. I’m desperate to wash my face, and I’m sure I’ll break out in a rash of acne the day after tomorrow.
But my emotions are under control. A lonely road trip and a stranger’s playlist of breakup songs is just what the drama queen needed.
Do not underestimate the power of a scorned woman in an angsty song.