Page 6 of Their Last Resort

My heart lurches in my chest. I spasm, sputter, stall like I’m a manual car with a novice driver behind the wheel. Then I look up, desperately searching for Cole among the small crowd. My shoulders slump when I don’t see him, and I feel silly. Of course he’s not here. I didn’t end up inviting him. Blaze is still talking to his friend, another bartender from the grotto poolside lounge. Not Cole.Never Cole.

I shoot Camila an angry glare, but it only makes her and Lara laugh more.

“Sorry, I just can’t help it. God, it’s so easy with you.”

Lara agrees, flipping her long dark hair over her shoulder. “I know. You don’t even have to say his full name to freak her out. JustCo—See? She already has goose bumps.”

“I do not!” I swipe my hands over my arms to make all the little hairs lie flat again. “It’s not just me.Everyone has this reaction to him.”And because I’m worried they’ll misconstrue what reaction I’m talking about exactly, I add, “Everyonehates him.”

Lara shrugs. “Eh, not everyone. I heard Tamara talking in the break room the other day. Goingonandonabout how hot he is.”

“Yeah, I was there too.” Camila rolls her eyes. “She sounded obsessed. I didn’t think I was going to be able to finish my lunch, listening to her droning on like that.”

Tamara likes Cole? This is news to me. Why am I only finding out about thisnow? Surely, this is breaking news for everyone, not just me.

I lean toward them, suddenly needing answers. “Tamara? Is she that waitress from the Bistro? The one with the high-pitched voice?”

They nod in confirmation.

“Blonde? But more platinum than me?” I ask, just to triple-check I’m thinking of the right person.

“Yup.” Lara nods.

Damn. From the few interactions I’ve had with Tamara, I know she’s pretty and sweet. She’s the kind of perky that guys usually lap up. Giggly and fun loving. I didn’t think there was much going on behind the wide-eyed gaze, but maybe I’m wrong. Maybe Cole sees something I don’t.

I need to be more like Tamara.

I try a giggle on for size, and Camila eyes me like I’ve lost my mind. “What are you doing? What was that?”

“A cough.” I shake my head, dismissing her narrow-eyed suspicion. “Now. I need your help. How can I get Blaze’s attention?”

“Are you sure you want Blaze?” Lara asks me with a healthy dose of skepticism.

“Who else would I want?”

They exchange a knowing look.

“Who. Else. Would. I. Want?” I demand.

Camila smirks.

Oh no. Absolutely not. We’re not playing this game again, where they throw out subtle hints that maybe I detest Cole a little more thannormal, that I talk about him,complainabout him, to an unhealthy degree. So what if hating him is my third-favorite hobby, right behind disliking him and loathing him? It’s important to have interests!

“So, just to be clear, you wouldn’t care if Tamara dated Cole?” Lara wonders.

“He will never date her.”

I say it like it’s a fact. No, aprophecyI’ve read off some ancient scroll.See here? It says Cole is going to die sad and alone.

Lara shrugs and raises her eyebrows. “I don’t know about that ... Tamara seemed to think he was pretty into her.”

“What proof did she give?!”

At this point I’m leaning so close to Lara I’m like a detective who’s lost my cool in an interrogation. My fists are pounding on the metal table, and I’m snarling at the mouth.Give me answers, damn it!

She smiles as I clear my throat and sit back on my beach towel. Clearly, I got carried away.

I remind myself I don’t care about Cole’s dating life. I have more important things to focus on, like Blaze. Hunky Blaze with his bulging biceps and his perfectly imperfect smile. His brown hair is just long enough that he can tuck it slightly behind his ears. It’s not my normal jam, but I’m kind of digging it.