Page 71 of Their Last Resort

More?my cocked eyebrow says.

His hand cups my cheek before sliding back into my hair. He’s so gentle about it at first, and then when I don’t continue—because this is a game, after all—he pulls me closer, forcing me just enough to show me how much he wants this.

My hand closes around him harder, pumping up and down as I take the tip just past my lips and suck. Slowly, teasingly, I take him all the way into my mouth, working him as best I can. Victory tastes oh so sweet. Salty too.

I’m not overly adept at this, but the sounds he’s making assures me that I’ve mostly got it right. Squeeze, pump, suck, continue. His hand fists tighter in my hair. I love it. I want it to go on forever, but my jaw is aching and he’s sliding deeper down my throat. I feel like I need a huge gulp of air or my lungs are going to burst, and then he comes, hard. Pleasure racks through him in great heaving waves, and I take it like a champ, smiling even.

I know he’s the one that just had an orgasm, so tell me why I feel like gloating as I push to my feet. Maybe it’s the look in Cole’s eyes. The absolute promise lurking in his gaze:

You’re going to get it, Paige. Just remember while it’s happening ... you asked for it.

Chapter Twenty-Two


When I wake up the next morning, the shower’s going, Cole’s half of the bed is empty, and my phone is vibrating on my nightstand. It’s my mom, no doubt wanting an update on what’s going on over here.

The brief report: Yeah, so hurricane destruction ended up not being so bad. Ididgive my indirect superior a blow job yesterday, though, so that’s kind of shaking things up over here in Turks and Caicos. Stay tuned.

I answer with a sleepy hello.

“Bad timing?” my mom asks. “I figured you’d be up by now.”

“No, it’s fine. I’m up,” I assure her.

“Dad’s here with me too. Say hi.”

“Hi, Dad!”

“Hi, Paigey! We’ve been worried sick about you the last few days. How are you holding up?”

I sit up and let my legs dangle off the side of the bed. “I’m good, promise.” When I push off the bed and walk over to peer out the window, I find that most of the flooding around the resort’s property hasreceded now. The grounds crew has been hard at work too. The debris and trash have been collected. If I didn’t know better, it’d look like we just got a hard rain, nothing more. The plants and trees are green and vibrant, soaking up the hot sun.

I’m sure if I check my email, I’ll find an updated work schedule. I can’t imagine they’ll stall resort operations for another day. Not if things are mostly back to normal.

“What about the resort?”

“It’s totally fine, Mom. The flooding is pretty much gone now. I’m sure they’ll have us—”

The bathroom door opens then, and Cole walks out, freshly showered, fully dressed for work.

“Hon? What were you saying?” my mom prompts.

Cole looks up to find me staring.

“Hi,” he mouths while he finishes putting on his silver watch.

I smile and mouth back, “Hi.”

“Did we lose her?” my dad asks.

“This connection is so spotty.” My mom grumbles.“Paige?”

Cole starts walking toward me, and my breath stalls in my chest. When he reaches me, he bends down to kiss my cheek, and I close my eyes, savoring it.

“Paige?” my mom tries once more.

Then the call goes dead. I let the phone slip away from my ear as I promise myself I’ll call them back later and answer any and all of their questions ad nauseam.