Page 54 of Their Last Resort

If he comes in at this precise moment, I’ll eat it. Anything to get rid of the evidence of how low I’ve stooped.

I lie there, listening to rain pelt the window, hot, annoyed, agitated. For so long, my thoughts whirl around and around on the same topic. Why would Cole try to protect me from Todd? Why does he care that much? Then at some point I fall asleep because I’m awoken a while later when the hotel room door closes with a heavy thud.


I lift my head off the pillow and reply with a groggy, croaky, indecipherable “Yeah?”

Cole releases a steady exhale and walks deeper into the room. He still has his flashlight on, so I can see him there, sopping wet. His shoes squelch against the carpet before he toes them off. Then he sets theflashlight on the dresser and starts to unbutton his shirt. This is a dream. Either that or I’ve found myself in some weird, topsy-turvy world where it’s normal for Cole to undress in front of me.

“How are the generators?” I ask as a way to remind him that I’m still here. He knows he’s taking off his pants while I watch, right?

Should I avert my gaze?

Fat chance.

If I tried to close my eyes right now, they’d pry themselves open.You’re not ruining this moment for us, girl.

He starts answering my question, something about how one of the backup generatorsdidkick on. “The one that covers the kitchens, restaurants, and gym. That area of the resort has had power this whole time ...”

I’m listening, but I’m also thinking,Hello, Cole’s abs.

Hello, Cole’s boxer briefs.

Hello, Cole’s noticeable bulge.

“... it’s only this portion of the hotel that’s been without power. The engineers are working on the issue ...”

His voice fades out again as he turns toward the dresser and tugs open the top drawer.

His back is so sexy, broad, and muscular. I like the slope that extends from his neck to his shoulders, the defined taper down to his waist. I like that he’s seemingly tan everywhere. Well ... everywhere I can see.

I ogle his butt like it’s my god-given right.

“They’ve assured us it’ll be up and running again by morning.”

“What time is it now?”

“A little after two a.m.”

Then he turns slowly, giving me a dubious look.

“Where’s my shirt? The one you had earlier?”

Oh, the shirt I’m cradling to my chest like a newborn baby?

“I was cold,” I say, sitting up to hand it to him.“Brr.”

He’s not buying it.

“What did you do to it?” he asks as he leans over the bed to take it like he’s worried I’ll revoke the offer.

“Nothing.I thought it was mine. I have one that’s really similar.”

He stands there, silently interrogating me.

“I was feeling weird,okay?! It’s been a weird day!”

His head tips gently to the side. “So you were hugging my shirt for comfort?”