Page 4 of Monster's Bride

I had to act swiftly. Carefully folding the parchment, I slipped the bartender some coins. “Thanks,” I murmured, mind already leaping ahead. The sorcerer, the copse... freedom.

With no time to lose, I pushed through the throngs of revelers, their laughter grating against my dark purpose. Seraphina’s delicate face lingered in my mind, a poignant reminder of all I risked losing to this vicious curse. It had tainted every aspect of my life, filling even joyful moments with bitter melancholy.

The din of the pub faded behind me as I stole across the moonlit grounds towards the woods. A thousand scenarios raced through my mind, each more fantastic than the last. Would the sorcerer truly have the power to break my curse? Or was this meeting just another doomed grasping at false hope?

I dared not give reign to optimism, and yet... hope bloomed traitorously in my heart. Every shadow seemed rife with possibility, my fate teetering on the verge of glorious change.

All too soon, the silent stand of trees loomed before me. I slipped between the skeletal branches, ears straining for any sign of life. “Hello?” I called softly. “Are you there?” Only the rustle of leaves answered.

Unease slithered down my spine. I circled the copse, searching for some sign of the sorcerer. Had I missed him? Or had he too fallen prey to misfortune? The woods were dangerous, riddled with lethal monsters—but being one myself, I hardly gave a damn.

A distant snap of breaking wood jerked me around, heart lurching. “Wait!” I cried desperately, rushing towards the sound. I crashed through the underbrush, ignoring the brambles tearing at my clothes.Please, let it be him!

Bursting past a dense thicket, I skidded to a halt, chest heaving. But there was nothing. Only more silent trees, standing sentinels in the moonlit mist. Despair crashed over me, bitter as gall. I’d been foolish to hope, foolish to think my wretched fate could be altered.

A rasping cackle split the silence. I whirled to see a stooped figure detach itself from the shadows. Stringy white hair framed a face wrinkled with malice—the sorcerer.

“Poor cursed creature,” he crooned, shuffling closer. “Did you really think I could help you?” His rheumy eyes glinted with cruel delight.

I stumbled back warily. “You promised me a cure...”

“Oh, I have a cure, yes. Pity you won’t live to see it!” Cackling, he produced a wicked dagger and lunged at me with shocking speed.

I pivoted aside, the blade grazing my arm. Rage boiled up, familiar and bitter—how many times had charlatans attacked me for my gargoyle parts? I’d lost count. My claws and wings were prized in their noxious brews and spells.

The sorcerer slashed at me again. “Hold still, beast! Your claw will prove most useful.”

With an inhuman roar, I caught his arm and flung him hard against a tree. The dagger fell from his grasp. I pressed my forearm to his scrawny throat, claws poised dangerously over his hammering heart.

“Go on then,” he choked out, madness dancing in his eyes. “Kill me!”

My arm trembled with fury and despair. Slaying this wretch would not alter my fate. With a guttural cry, I released him.

The sorcerer collapsed, wheezing. Then his hands twisted in an ornate gesture and he screamed words in a language unknown to me.

I braced myself, but no magic struck.

“Your enchantments cannot touch one cursed already,” I sneered grimly as I lumbered closer.

Dread flooded the sorcerer’s features as I fully shifted, fangs bared and claws unsheathed. One swipe would end this miserable soul’s life. But no, I restrained the bloodlust rising inside me.

My menacing face drew inches away from his. “Go now, while I allow it!” I roared.

The sorcerer scrambled back in terror. I watched his cowardly retreat until the sounds faded, leaving only the mournful sigh of wind through bare branches.

A harsh breath escaped me. Fists clenched, I fell to my knees, fighting the burn of forthcoming tears. Graduation edged closer by the hour. I was running out of time and luck both. This curse would claim me in the end. Not even all the magic in the world could prevent that.



Buckie’sraucous noise faded behind me as I slipped outside into the moonlit night. Moments before, I had glimpsed Jasper shyly asking Lily to dance, their growing affection bringing a smile to my face. If those two could find love, perhaps there was light to be found, even in my own shadows.

The cobblestone path unfurled before my feet, leading me on the walk back to Blackthorn Academy. I welcomed the solitude after an evening spent masking my pain with false cheer. Now, alone under the stars, I let my strained smile fall away.

An icy wind nipped at my cheeks, carrying the first whispers of a storm. I wrapped my cloak tighter, its warmth failing to soothe the cold emptiness Drazhan’s betrayal had left within me.

Gods, the fucking demon wasn’t worth this—my pain and heartache. And yet, I grieved for him still. Rage and sorrow waged war in my soul ever since that terrible last day of school.