Page 26 of Monster's Bride

Her frown shifted to reluctant wonder. She’d always been a romantic, fanciful stories making her starry-eyed. “Truly? He’s your soulmate?”

A scowl marred Lily’s face as she watched Rhys laughing with Jasper’s packmates. She was so protective of me... But when Rhys glanced over, her glower shifted seamlessly into an overly bright smile. I was left wondering if I had imagined the whole thing.

At my earnest nod, Lily sighed. “Well, far be it from me to meddle with fate.” A small smile escaped her. “I just hope you’re right, and this is really meant to be...”

I squeezed her hand, touched by her concern, misplaced as it was. “It is. I’ve never been so sure of anything.” I felt Rhys’ steady presence at my side like an extension of myself. However unlikely on the surface, our union made sense in some place deeper than reason.

Across the table, Jasper grew tired of maintaining his composure. He burst out laughing and smacked a grumbling Rhys on the back. “Congratulations, you secretive bastard!” he howled. “We demandallthe sordid details.”

His pack mates hooted in agreement.

Rhys accepted their friendly back slaps with wry tolerance. “There are no sordid details, you fiend,” he retorted. “I intend to make an honest woman of her.” But his flashing eyes belied the joy barely contained beneath his stern exterior.

Jasper made an obscene hand gesture. “An honest shagging, more like.” Howls erupted from his crew. Rhys rolled his eyes while I flushed to my hairline. Jasper was incorrigible, but his playful support meant the world.

“In any case, drinks are in order!” Jasper declared. More enthusiastic shouts followed. He leaned in mischievously. “A stag party could also be arranged…ifthe groom is willing.” He waggled his brows outrageously.

Despite myself, I swatted his shoulder, laughing. “He most certainly is not!” But privately, I was charmed by their ready acceptance. However unorthodox our engagement seemed, they would stand beside us in it wholeheartedly. Their loyalty was precious.

“Mr. Greystone, a word.”

Rhys and I started as Headmistress Blackthorn materialized suddenly behind us. I shot him a quizzical look, but he appeared equally confused by her secretive approach.

“I’ll catch up with you shortly,” Rhys murmured to me and the others. With an apologetic glance, he followed the Headmistress’ swirling skirts to a more secluded corner of the hall.

I lingered uncertainly, watching their retreating forms. Rhys’ wings were mantled tightly, tension visible in the rigid set of his shoulders. It was clear whatever matter the Headmistress wished to discuss, it weighed heavily already.

With no small amount of reluctance, I finally tore myself away, allowing Rhys his privacy for now. But curiosity and concern gnawed at me. What could be so urgent, and so secret, that it required this abrupt summons?

“You simply must have orchids for your bouquet,” Lily decreed as we gathered back around the dining table. “And oh, I can sew you the most darling veil!” She clasped her hands, clearly relishing the chance to outfit her best friend’s wedding.

Jasper leaned back casually. “The stag party is covered. I’m thinking we raise some good old-fashioned hell—what say you, gentlemen?” Riotous approval greeted his wicked grin.

I shot Jasper a quelling look. “Nothing too wild, I hope,” I said, and shooting him a teasing glare, I added, “You may be my friend, but I’ll hex you myself if you lead my groom astray.”

Jasper held up his hands appeasingly. “I swear it will be mild as milk, little flower.” His exaggerated innocence made me snort.

We passed the rest of supper in jovial spirits, Lily chiming in eagerly about dress designs while Jasper described increasingly ridiculous stag party schemes. A thrill ran through me, realizing I would enjoy such wonderful moments of belonging to Rhys soon…

“Can the gossip be true?” Drazhan’s mocking sneer set my teeth on edge. “You’re marrying that creature?”

I pivoted to face him squarely. “Yes, we’re engaged. Is that a problem?” I kept my tone light, but fury kindled my blood. How dare he pollute this joyous news with his bile?

Drazhan slipped a hand on the table, menacingly looming over me. But before I could retaliate, Rhys was there, mantling his imposing wings to shield me from Drazhan’s malice. He stared the bully down. No words needed. Visibly, he quailed as Rhys rose to his full towering height.

Jasper stepped up boldly beside us. “Didn’t you learn your lesson last time, snake?” he growled. “Crawl back to your hole before you get squashed!”

Drazhan flushed purple, impotent rage twisting his features. “This isn’t over,” he spat venomously before turning to slink away. We watched the crowd swallow his retreat, tension slowly leaving our frames.

At our table, Lily’s gaze followed Drazhan with unsettling intensity. A smile played about her lips as he blustered threats and insults. She looked oddly delighted by his dramatic departure, eyes alight with keen interest. A prickle of unease traveled down my spine at her unconcealed fascination.

Jasper slapped Rhys on the back approvingly. “Nicely done,” he said sternly. “Can’t let vermin think they hold power over us.”

Rhys gave a sharp nod of agreement, fire still smoldering in his eyes. I slipped my hand over his, letting my touch ease him.

Sensing we needed a moment, Jasper took his leave. The pack also moved, swiftly following their alpha.

“That’s the last we’ll see of him for now,” I soothed him. “Let’s not let him ruin our joy.”