“Smartass,” he grumbled as he walked back into the bedroom.
“Well, you did,” I sassed back as I began gathering my clothes up off the floor.
“I’ll take you home on one condition,” he offered.
“That I don’t call 911 and tell them that Heron Treyton is holding me hostage?” I quipped.
Ignoring that, he said, “I’m going to take some clothes to leave there for when we’re spending the night at your place. I’m also going to leave all that other crap.”
I eyed him. “What other crap?”
“You know, deodorant, a toothbrush, shampoo…crap like that.”
“So, we’re really doing this, huh?”
“Baby, if my cum massaged into your skin and my fingers stretching your ass isn’t enough to convince you, then what is?” he snorted.
“What happened to all that charm you exuded when we first met?” I asked as I started getting dressed. “You were so sweet at the café.”
“You came on my cock and turned me stupid,” he answered easily.
“So, this is my fault?”
“Since everything that I’m ever going to do from now on is because of you, then all my stupidity is now your responsibility,” he replied, making me laugh with how serious he sounded.
“You’re a handful, Heron Treyton,” I chuckled as I finished getting dressed.
“I’m fine with that as long as it’s your hands, Eliza.”
My heart melted.
A man that could stimulate more than just your body was a dangerous one. Women needed more than just physical satisfaction, and it was apparent that Heron knew that. While great sex could be a game-changer, to touch a woman’s soul was something much more profound, and Heron Treyton had definitely touched my soul.
Chapter 10
Didn’t See That Coming.
Aweek later, and I was ready to ask Eliza to marry me. Yeah, I was very aware of the honeymoon phase, but that’s not what this was. Eliza’s personality had captivated me way before we’d fallen into bed together, and the fact that she wasn’t needy was another plus. The woman worked, had family and friends, and had no problem telling me when I was suffocating her. The woman really didn’t have much of a filter, and thank fucking God.
With keys already exchanged, I let myself into her apartment without asking, and she looked adorably unkempt with a broom in her hands. I almost winced when I realized that she was cleaning, but I knew that she’d forgive me eventually for my surprise.
Eliza stopped her sweeping, then turned around, the smile on her face dying the second that she realized that we had guests.
“We’re doing a surprise episode,” I announced, walking towards her as she eyed Sean, Oscar, Christian, and Charlie. “A bake-off.” I gestured towards the guys behind me. “Me, Oscar, and Charlie against you, Sean, and Christian.”
“A bake-off?” she echoed. “With rugby players?”
“You got something against rugby players?” Charlie teased. “If so, that’s going to make dating Treyton a bit difficult, don’t you think?”
“Uhm…” Eliza scowled. “No, I don’t have anything against rugby players.”
I slid my arm around her waist as soon as I was in front of her. “Baby, he’s joking.”