Ihold my brother close. He’s here. “Are you really okay?” I reach up, cupping his face and peering at his freshly-split lip.
“Soph, I’m fine,” he says, pulling my hand down.
I bite my lip to keep from smiling, having forgotten we are still in the hallway and guards linger about. He doesn't want me babying him in front of everyone. I can’t help myself. He will always be a baby in my eyes.
“Come.” I motion for him to enter my room.
His eyes roam around, taking everything in. Our own home is nothing to turn your nose up at, but Nick’s is something else altogether. It’s in a league of its own. It reminds me of a giant freaking castle. Everything in it is elegant but not overdone. It’s breathtaking without being boastful. I’ve been too wrapped up in Nick to care about any of my surroundings until now, when I see my brother processing it all.
The doors close behind us, and I turn and point at his mouth. “Who did this to your lip?”
“It was my own doing.”
I raise an eyebrow at him.
He shrugs. “Really it was. I might have tried to scale the wall to this place,” he says sheepishly.
“Marco!” I smack his chest. It’s then I see I still have on my wedding ring from my first husband. I should take it off. I’m surprised Nick hadn’t stripped it from my finger. It feels like an unwanted weight, a reminder that my life could have been on a different course if it weren’t for Nick. Even though I’m not sure what path he plans to lead me down, I know it will be better than the previous one. It has to be. I won’t let myself think otherwise right now.
“I had to try and get to you.” His brows draw together. “To save you from that monster. His reputation is even worse than Antonio’s. He’s done bad things, Soph. He’s a bad man. I couldn’t just let him take you.”
I drop my hand from his chest. I knew he would try to find me. It’s one of the reasons that I’d immediately calmed down once Nick gave me his vow to protect Marco. Without that, I shudder at the thought of what would have happened to Marco if he came onto this property without Nick’s vow of protection.
“Doing stupid things gets you dead,” I remind him. My life’s purpose would be gone. Marco is why I make all the sacrifices. I want him to be able to lead the life that he wants to. It was easier when he was younger because he wasn’t old enough for my family to start using him. I miss those days. Once he hit his teenage years, I began worrying constantly. I lived in fear for his life. I have to sacrifice myself to keep him safe. At least that’s what I told myself this morning.
Life is starting to feel like there could be more to it for me, but I can’t let my mind go there either. I’ve learned hope does you no good when you’re surrounded by men like these. The question of what sort of man Nick is still remains undetermined. Will he end up being like Antonio? Maybe he’ll act the same as my father and grandfather as soon as he gets what he wants from me. He doesn’t seem to be that way, but it’s only been a few hours since we met. For all I know, Nick is putting on a show so he doesn't have a bride kicking and screaming down the aisle. Again, that doesn't add up since I’ve already assured him that I’d marry him if he kept my brother safe. There’s no reason for him to continue doing all these extra nice things for me unless he wants to. I may even refer to the way Nick is treating me as sweet, but that word never feels right in places like this.
“I’m sorry. I freaked when I heard what happened.” Marco runs his hands through his shaggy hair that could use a cut. He always does the same thing when he’s nervous.
“Your tell.” I jerk my chin at his ruffled hair. He drops his hand at the reminder. It’s not that I care if he has a tell, but in our lifestyle that isn’t an option. I don’t want others to pick up on it.
“Lorenzo wasn't doing shit but freaking out. I wasn't waiting around.” He stands taller as he says “Lorenzo,” refusing to call him Dad.
I’ve been trying to be stern with him, but I break and hug him again. I’ll have to remember to thank Nick for giving me this time with my brother and for keeping his word.
“You shouldn’t have put yourself in danger. I can handle myself, okay? I may be some princess from a locked tower, but I picked up on plenty just watching and listening to all the dirty business Lorenzo was up to. I’m not naïve … well, not as much as you think. I went into the marriage with Antonio with my eyes wide open, and I’m doing the same now. But maybe, this time, there could be more.”
“More? With Nick Davinci?” His eyes narrow. “They are scared of him. They don’t say it, but I saw it all over Pasquale’s and Lorenzo’s faces.”
I swallow hard. It’s tough to imagine the people you fear being afraid of something. If the Scalingis are scared, then there’s a reason behind it. I’ll be married to that reason by the end of the night. The thought should frighten me, but Nick hasn’t shown me anything that would make me feel afraid.
“He’s been kind to me.” I don’t tell him that I agreed to marry Nick if he vowed to keep Marco safe. “I have to be married. That’s the way it is. You know it, and I know it.”
“Fuck. I hate this shit!” He yells the last part.
“Mrs. Davinci?” A hard knock sounds on the door before it swings open. One of the guards stands outside. “Are you okay?” His eyes flick from me to my brother.
“Not Mrs. Davinci yet.” My brother turns to face the guard.
I grab his shoulder to pull him back. He’s going to get himself hurt if he doesn't lock it up. Marco only takes a step back on his own accord. I don’t actually think I could move him unless he let me.
“Out,” I tell the guard, motioning with my hand. I’m surprised when all he does is nod and close the door, actually following my order. We stand there for a moment in silence.
“He listened to you. That’s … unexpected.” Marco lets out a long sigh. I think it might be in relief. “Look, Soph, everyone is scared of Nick Davinci.” He turns to look at me. “I can’t get anyone to tell me specifics. They just cross themselves or whisper about all the men he’s killed. He’s not a good man. You need to know what you’re getting yourself into.”
I wait for a chill to run through my body, but all I feel is warmth. I don’t know if I should be thankful for that or not. Am I letting my guard down too easily? Maybe. But what is there to lose? Your heart, my mind whispers.