Page 11 of His Virgin Queen

I head for the front door as Tony rushes over.

“You heard?”

“Yeah.” I walk out into the coming night and meet my guards.

“Caught him trying to jump the fence.” Vin hands me a pistol. “Had this on him.”

“What’s your name, kid?” I take the pistol and remove the magazine, then empty the chamber. The bullets roll away, but one of my men goes and scoops them up. I cock my head to the side and stare into the kid’s angry eyes. “Why you showing up at my house with a loaded gun?” I use the grip to conk him lightly on the top of the head. I don’t want to hurt him unless I have to. He’s young, but a big guy all the same. It probably took both guards to collar him, and he’s got a split lip to show for it. “You got a death wish? Is that it?”

“I’m here for my sister.” He spits blood at my feet.

His sister. Sophia. Fuck. She asked me to protect this kid, but here he is trying to do violence against me and mine.

“You’re Marco.” I hand his gun to Gio.

“Let her go.” He strains against my soldiers, his teeth gritted.

“She isn’t going anywhere. And neither are you.” I kick my chin at Tony. “Take him upstairs.”

My soldiers pull him past me, but then I turn. “Wait. Clean up his lip before you do. I don’t need any heat coming down on me from my queen.” I point at the boy. “Are you going to behave?”

He stares me down.

“If you agree, I’ll let you walk freely. But if you continue on this disastrous course, my guards will drag you around like a bitch.”

His lips curl in a snarl, but he says, “I’ll behave.”

“Good. My queen will be pleased to see you.”

“Queen?” Marco’s eyes widen. “You keep saying that. You’re serious about marrying her?”

“Just as serious as I was about killing her former groom.” I put a hint of steel into my tone. “I’ll let this little incursion slide--though under other circumstances, this would be a declaration of war between our families.”

He grimaces a little at that. War isn’t a joke, not when the streets run red with blood and make men fall like dominoes.

“But lucky for you, I’ve granted you my protection.”

He couldn’t look any more confused. “Protection?”

I turn my gaze to Tony. “Get him cleaned up. I have enough to worry about without getting on Sophia’s bad side over her too-eager brother.”

“Sure thing, boss.” Tony walks ahead of the guards. “I’ll keep an eye on him.”

I return to the house and bound up the stairs. Something stirs inside me the closer I get to my bedroom doors. She’s in there. I can feel her breathing, can almost taste her sweetness on my tongue.

I should go. My tailor should be finished with my suit. But the feeling grows, and I realize it’s hunger for her. She’s to be mine in only a few hours, but I want a taste of my prize now.

My men guard her, their eyes straight ahead as they stare down the hall.

“No one comes in.” I don’t have to say the words. They already know, but I tell them anyway.

“Yes sir.” They nod.

I raise my knuckles and knock softly.

“Yes?” Her voice lilts through the wood.

I swing the doors open. And I’m struck, like a bolt was sent from the heavens. She’s wearing only a robe as she sits in front of a mirror.