Page 5 of Potent Desire 2

I’m not much of a voice of reason. I know where this conversation’s headed, and I want to steer it off before the Braddock’s are pulled into something they can’t get out of. Hannibal was meant to be a starting ground, to further expansion on every front. Bruno Romani’s master plan is to divide the United States in half, with all distribution of illegal activity from East to West moving through him.

It’s a helluva plan, sure. Somehow it’s still more feasible than my father taking on The King, and surviving.

“This is just how things have to be,” Father says, shoving the cigar between his lips.

None of my siblings step in, or take sides. They are always whispering in father’s ear while I’m away, but too scared to handle confrontation. It’s easy to stay without a side, but reap the rewards of everyone’s hard work.

“Then please, go on, give it to me. What’s your next genius move to conquer Hannibal?” I roll a hand, waiting for father to speak.

“It’s simple, really. Let Quincy Harrison have his small victory, but while he’s pleasuring himself to the thought of a victory, we make our move. You want expansion? Well, when we hold the lion’s share of Hannibal, we hold the goddamned keys to the castle,” he says with a smug, gleeful grin. “As for Larry Slater, well he’s not even a Chihuahua. He’s more like a little lost puppy that will bow down to whoever gives him a treat.”

Jumping the gun is an Oswald Braddock specialty; all planning set aside to take over Hannibal, but never thinking about the consequences. Looking into his eyes is like staring into the face of pure evil. Hell’s demons have nothing on Oswald Braddock. This was always the inevitable outcome; another grab for land that doesn’t belong to him, while putting yet another target on his back. While I work for The King, there isn’t a chance I’ll play the lead role in his play for fools.

“Are you soft in the head?” the question slips from my mouth without thinking. I instantly regret it.

“What the fuck did you just say to me?”

“You’re standing with giants, what’s this foolish desire to ascend to Godhood? I will have no part in it. If you’re too blind to see the danger you’re dabbling in, I’m not going to be the one to tell you. But Christ, old man, you’re going to get yourself and your kids killed for a few more streets you don’t even have the men to protect.” My temper’s rising.

I should leave before I say something I really regret.

“So, that’s how it’s going to be? My firstborn betraying me,” my father sighs. He looks shocked and disappointed. “Maybe I was wrong about you. I’ve always toted you as a proud member of the Braddock family, ready to serve and help us achieve greatness, but it seems to me that you’re not quite cut out for this life. You’re weak, like the rest of them—”

“You don’t know the hellish path I’ve walked to get where I am—” I try to interject, but he keeps on speaking.

“Perhaps it’s best that your betrayal comes early,” another long sigh comes from his mouth. “Just another loyalist rat to Bruno and his cronies.”

“That’s right, yeah,” Bobby, my second youngest sibling steps in. “Can’t you see what Dad’s got going on? The Braddock’s are going to rule this—”

“Shut your mouth,” Bobby falls silent at my glare, looking back at his papers and shuffling through them. Fun to jump on the bandwagon, but can’t handle a single bad word. Maybe they’re right. Maybe I’m not cut out for the Braddock family.

I get up from my chair. My dad doesn’t speak, just eyes me down. I can see the words on the tip of his tongue, deliberating whether he should speak them and wondering what impact they will have.

It’s too late for any of that. I start walking for the door.

“That’s right, run away with your tail between your legs,” Aaron finally says somethings. It’s a lot easier to grow a pair of balls when a man’s got his back to you. “You’ll come crawling back, Maddy-boy. You always do.”

I don’t bother answering him. They’re all children; foolish and deluded about what happens beyond these walls. Their downfall, though it may hurt in the long run, will serve them right. It’s a bad case of the blind leading the blind, but I’m the one-eyed man who sees their future.

They stay silent, until I’m back in the living room. I can’t hear what they’re saying, but it’s probably business as normal. I know my focus mustn’t be shifted from my task. I know I have to hold strong, and deal with Emma Blake.

So, why the fuck is Isabella Romani coming to mind? Why am I drawn to her in some sort of awkward, teenage desperation?