Page 10 of Potent Desire 2



The house is quiet, as I move packed bags from my bedroom to the blood-money Ferrari, Vik bought me for my eighteenth birthday. It’s easy to do it at night. Why there’s no weight put into nightly threats is beyond me. Danger doesn’t stop just because you’re catching a few Zs.

However, it’s a blessing to me. With the supplies I’ve collected over the past few days – mostly cash withdrawals and clothes for the road – I’m ready. No more waiting for what might be. If I stay here any longer, I’m going to go mad. After everything’s packed in the trunk of the car, I make one last check to ensure everything’s prepped.

No phone, no card. Those are ways for them to track me.

I more or less know what I’m doing, after the few lessons Dominic gave me on driving, since I got the car. Well, maybe it’s better to say I understand the fundamentals. I manage to get out of the garage and into the driveway without anyone noticing. The palace is so big that no one will even realize I’m gone until morning.

No one stops me at the front gate. Only a wave from a man sitting lazily in the guardhouse, before he opens the giant wrought iron gates. Then I’m out, and on the road, driving. It’s at a snail’s pace to start with, but I’m still getting my bearings. When I feel more comfortable, I start going faster. Faster doesn’t really mean much, when I’m too scared to shift out of third gear.

I also don’t make it all that far before I see a car in my rear-view mirror. The thought of it being one of the many threats Dominic always talks about comes to mind. This late at night, I don’t imagine many people are out and about, but it’s also not impossible my dad’s already figured it out. That damn lazy guard probably spilled the beans.

There’s no aggression in the driver behind, and no attempt at catching up to me. It’s only watching, for now. I take a few wild turns down various roads, one after the other until I’m back where I started. The car follows all the way. That’s when I know I’m definitely being tailed. If they weren’t following me, they wouldn’t have veered off course to get right to the same place.

My heart starts thumping in my chest. What do you do in a situation like this? I have clothes, cash, and nothing more. I didn’t even have the sense to bring a gun with me, not that I’d know how to use it anyway. But, a threat of a gun is stronger than my shouting alone.

Nervous and scared, I lead the car down a few more roads, until we’re in a better-lit neighborhood. Apart from the headlights, I can’t make a single thing out on the vehicle. It’s black with bright lights. A goddamned staple for anyone and everyone working this God-forsaken business.

A little way further along, streetlamps hang heavily overhead, casting bright light all around. A gas station comes into view, with a few cars gassing up. Thank whatever god is above. No one would be stupid enough to try a hit and run when people are around.

I pull into the gas station, and park my car outside the attached store. The person tailing me does the same, but as his vehicle comes into the light, I recognize it instantly. It’s Maddox Braddock in his Bentley. Sports cars are the name of the game for those wealthy enough to buy them; hell, that’s why I have a Ferrari. Maddox is the only person under my father that I’ve ever seen in a Bentley.

All fear is replaced by annoyance. How the hell did he find me so quickly? I barely made it out of the gate and he’s on my ass? What’s worse is I’ve been seeing him everywhere already. Is this another part of my dad’s schemes?

Oh God, seeing him in the garden. My face flushes red, and I try to cover my embarrassment. What if it was my dad? What if I put on a show for Maddox but he was meant to be there? I can’t think of that now. I need to stay upset, annoyed, and strong.

Maddox steps out of the car, running a hand through his hair.

“What the hell do you want?” I ask, not hiding my frustration.

“Saw your car pulling out and wanted to make sure everything’s okay,” he says.

“Yeah, everything’s fine,” I cross my arms over one another.

“Where’s Dominic? Mister Romani won’t be happy that you’re out alone,” Maddox isn’t letting on that he knows anything. My escape or our garden adventure.

“I wanted to get out alone for a bit. A night drive to clear my head,” I say.

Maddox gives me a knowing look. He can see right through my lie. My face sinks shyly. His smoldering gaze burns a hole through my story. I can’t look him in the eyes if I’m going to keep up the façade.

“How the hell did you find me anyway?”

“Mister Romani asked me to do something, and I finished it. I was about to give him the good news when I saw your car pull out,” Maddox replies, leaning against the side of his car, kicking a foot against the door, looking cooler than cool.

He doesn’t look at me, rather he looks all around at the people. Too many of them are looking at us; somewhat awestruck at the cars we’re driving.

“Are you going to tell me what you’re really doing out here, or are you sticking to the guns that you’re out on a night drive?” he asks.

Is it really that unbelievable? Of course it is. My dad barely lets me out of anyone’s sight during the day; he’d never allow it at night.

“I can’t take it anymore, okay? All that shit with Vik. This isn’t the life for me,” maybe coming clean is better than trying to hide it. “I want to get away. I want my own freedom. I don’t want to be a part of someone’s game for the rest of my life.”

“So, you’re out into the world then? Just you, your car, and the wide open road? Sounds like a ball if you ask me,” Maddox’s face doesn’t change expression. He’s just looking at me with those deep, hazel orbs.

Damn, it’s hard to look at him.