Page 10 of Potent Desire



I’m the lead star in this twisted production, draped in a slutty, short dress that barely covers my breasts and thighs. Beneath, a see-through set of purple lace panties await Vik’s cruel hand.

The night is young, and I’m all dolled up in make-up and perfume, all of which was organized and arranged by my father at Vik’s request. I feel dirty, used, and battered. I barely recognize myself in the muted reflection of the backseat window. It’s as if I’ve left my world behind and stepped into a new reality.

My father personally escorts me to the hotel room where Vik’s waiting, in a convoy of three black Escalades. We don’t speak on the drive; but it’s not for lack of his trying. I can’t find the words to reply to him, though. I’m sickened and disgusted, and his presence alone makes my skin crawl.

When we finally stop outside the hotel, with its enormous tower that stretches high above many of Hannibal’s surroundings, it all changes. A flurry of words leaves me without my thinking, in the hope that it might get him to stop this whole charade.

“You can’t do this, papa,” I say, as his men open the door for us. “I’m your little girl, your princess. How can you use me like this? Have you no shame?”

“I’m sorry, Isabella. This is how it has to be,” my father sighs. A lingering disappointment hovers over his words; as if I’m being unreasonable in not wanting to give my life away to Vik. “You’re going to have to trust me.”

How can I? This is the most heinous betrayal I’ve ever endured. I’ve become no more than a bargaining chip for one of his great schemes. Worse still, after I’m violated in some hotel room, I’ll have to buckle down and marry the man who raped me. What twisted fate was my papa forcing on me? How could I trust this man, who raised me as a puppet for his own gain? He’s the King. I’m supposed to be his princess, he’s supposed to protect me and make sure that no one ever harms me.

I’m helped out of the back seat. The street is alive with Hannibal’s nightlife, taking to the city to party and enjoy their evening. A few eyes fall on us, terrified of the Romani army that walks me into the hotel.

In the distance, I see Dominic, hanging his head low. How long has he known? Since my birthday? If so, then why didn’t he tell me? My father walks in front of me with his men behind us. I see Lucio and Maxwell among the group of what looks to be ten men in total.

All the business partners in one place, conducting their vile dealings. I feel like a lamb being led to the slaughter. I want to run, but I won’t get far with all of Papa’s men ready to chase me down. Tears choke any words I try to get out, but I can’t let them spill. I can’t allow any of them to see my weakness. They’ll only know about my resentment, once it’s all over.

No one stops our entourage as we walk through the hotel’s lobby. As soon as the elevators open, anyone inside quickly clears out once they spot my father. This town knows our empire. They fear us and, even if any of them knew about my dire circumstances, no one would dare lift a finger to help me.

We take two elevators, which separates my father and me from the rest of the crew.

“Isabella, do you understand what you have to do?” he asks.

There is no way of understanding the situation I’ve been placed in, so I decline to answer.

“It doesn’t have to be like this,” he adds as if any of this is normal. “Just do as you’re told and everything will work out. Do you understand?”

“How can it work out?” I question.

“Because life finds a way. When your grandfather came to this country, he had nothing more than the clothes on his back and a suitcase full of whiskey. With only those tools, he paved the road we walk on today.”

“What does that have anything to do with my situation? You’re handing me away as if I don’t mean anything. As if I’m a piece of meat to be bargained with. Have you been waiting for the day of my eighteenth birthday? Has this been your plan all along? You couldn’t even wait. That’s what hurts the most. You couldn’t even wait until a week after my birthday to sell me off to some old, smelly man,” the threat of tears still looms, though I don’t feel sad. Only a tremendous fury; ready to be unleashed.

“It’s the way it has to be,” he says.

Before I can get another word in, the elevator dings, and the doors swing open. Papa’s crew stands in the hallway, waiting for our arrival. Down the hall, Vik’s waiting beside the door to one of the rooms. He’s wearing a suit, his hair neatly combed back.

His expectant smile burns itself into my memory.

“Papa, please…”

“There’s no time for that, girl. Come now,” Papa grabs my arm and pulls me out of the elevator. I’m just about ready to scream; to break away, take the elevator and run. Again, I know I won’t get far, and what hell would await me on my capture?

I go with them, all the way to Vik. A man I once trusted; a man who was so close to me I believed him to be family. Soon, I’ll fall prey to a pseudo, depraved nightmare as I become part of Vik’s family. I swallow hard again to stop from crying.

“Jesus, Bruno. You didn’t have to bring the cavalry,” Vik laughs. My father turns over his shoulder, looking at me. With a sigh, he steps aside. Vik’s mouth drops as his eyes fall on me.

“My God, you look gorgeous,” he says, reaching a hand out, and running his thumb over my chin.

“Shall we get this over with then?” Papa asks as we all step into the hotel room. No one’s saying anything, nor trying to stop this.

I know I’ve lost, when not even Dominic will stand up to save me.