Page 95 of Consume Me

“I don’t know what happened…my corset came off and I freaked out,” I sighed, flopping down beside her.

“You hit a limit is what happened.They’re not just physical.Everyone has mental triggers too...ugly little buttons that when pushed freak us the hell out.”

“But if I’d trusted them more, that dungeon manager guy… Tony—”

“Dungeonmonitor,” she corrected with a smile.“Tony was only doing his job.”

“If I didn’t get them in trouble, why is he still talking to them?”

“Your Masters arenotin trouble.They’re simply explaining what led up to you calling your safeword.”

I might not have gotten them in trouble, but that didn’t erase the fear of them rejecting me, or deciding I wasn’t capable of submitting to them the way they wanted and needed.I knew Emerald was trying to help talk me off the ledge, but until Dylan and Nick walked through the door and forgave me for messing up our first scene, nothing on the planet was going to ease my angst.

“Trust me, Savannah.Sir Tony and your Masters are simply going through the safety precautions Genesis has in place.Without them, none of us would be able to play in a safe, sane and consensual environment.”

“Do you honestly think they’re not going to be so disappointed…so mad at me for what happened, they’re not going to walk through the door and dump me?”

“Not in a million.”Emerald wrapped me in a tight hug and pulled me close.“I’ve seen the way they look at you.They’re head over heels in love with you.In all the years I’ve known them, I’ve never seen them so happy.You bring them to life.They’re not going to release you.Ever.Especially not over this.”

She was so certain how my Masters were going to react, and though I desperately wanted to believe her, my worries remained.

“Okay, listen, if they let you go, I’ll have Daddy Drake kick their asses before every other Dom in the place lines up to do it, too.How’s that sound?”She grinned.

Emerald blew my mind.I’d just met her, and she was showering me with so much understanding, acceptance, and love, I wasn’t sure how I could repay her.

“I already did that,” I groaned.

“Did what?”

“Kicked their butts.”

“You what?”she gasped.“Oh, honey…spill the tea.I’ve got to hear this.”

“It’s a long story.Let’s just say it was an all-star example of fight or flight.I keep choosing fight, like I did out there.”An exasperated huff rushed from my lips.

“You’ll have to tell me about it one of these days, but first, you need to stop beating yourself up.Or I’ll be forced to bring Daddy Drake in here to convince you that you did the right thing.”

“No thanks, he scares the crap out of me.”

“Oh, pfft,” she said waving her hand.“He’s nothing but a giant teddy bear.He likes to look all bad-ass to intimidate people.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at the way she described the leather-clad Dom.It was going to take a long time before I saw any teddy bear-like qualities in that man.

“You’re worrying over nothing,” she said as Nick and Dylan burst through the door.

My heart leapt to my throat as they both froze and stared at me.Still fearing they’d reject me, I jumped from the bed.As they opened their arms and hugged me tight against their steely chests, sobs of relief and joy seeped from my throat.

“With your permission, Sirs, I’ll go now,” Emerald murmured.

“Of course, pet, and thank you,” Nick said, voice cracking with emotion.

“Anytime, Sir.Savannah is a love.I can’t wait to see her again on Saturday,” Emerald stated before closing the door behind her.

“Yes, you are a love.Ourlove,” Dylan growled as he laid siege to my lips.

“Don’t start that yet,” Nick chided.“We need to discuss what happened out there.”.

I moaned in regret as Dylan released my lips.I didn’t want to talk.I wanted to stay right where I was—wrapped in their safe, loving arms.