The knowing and unnerving glance the three men shared made me suddenly lose my appetite.
“What’s going on?”I asked, pushing my plate away.
“I’ve offered to help your Masters test your limit and observe them while they work you in my dungeon down the hall,” Mika announced in a matter-of-fact tone.
Heat rolled up my chest and singed my cheeks.The thought of Mika watching me felt a hundred times more intimate than a whole club of strangers.Surely, Dylan and Nick weren’t going to accept his offer…were they?Darting a panicked glance between them, their expectant expressions answered my question.They were a hundred and ten percent on board.
Someone shoot me, please,I inwardly prayed.
Our friendly, innocent breakfast had taken an embarrassingly wicked turn.
As a punch of panic set my fight or flight reflex on fire, the knee-jerk reaction to tell Mika where he could shove his offer seared the tip of my tongue.
Suddenly, Nick’s words screamed through my head.If you trusted us, you wouldn’t have freaked out.You would have known that we’d protect you with our last dying breath.
This wasn’t a lesson in nudity or embarrassment.It was a lesson of trust.
If they accepted Mika’s offer and stripped me bare in his dungeon, they’d guard and protect my insecurities…cover and conceal my flesh, and wrap me in their Dominant care, like they’d planned to last night.
“Savannah?”Nick’s voice sliced through my churning thoughts.
“Yes, Sir?”
“Come, sit on my lap, little one,” he instructed, scooting his chair back and patting his thighs.
As soon as I’d situated myself, he wrapped me in a fierce hug.
“You did it.You stopped your fears before they could consume you, didn’t you?”
The level of pride permeating his voice and glistening in his eyes split me wide open.
As I nodded, Nick cupped my nape and drown me in a spine-bending kiss.
“Amazing job, kitten,” Dylan whispered beside me.
Cupping Nick’s hand, Dylan slowly eased me from Nick’s mouth before devouring me with an equally dizzying kiss.
“Stunning breakthrough, Savannah,” Mika said, arching a brow at my Masters.“I rescind my offer.She passed the test, with flying colors I might add, before she even took it.”
Dylan eased into my chair, then dragged my plate between him and Nick, hand-feeding me as the three men continued heaping me with praise.When brunch was through, we adjourned to Mika’s study.After hours of talking, laughing, and Doms ribbing Doms, we said our goodbyes and stepped out onto the massive deck again.
“I forgot to ask,” Nick said to Mika.“You, Drake, and Trevor are coming for Thanksgiving again this year, right?”
“We wouldn’t miss it for the world.”Mika grinned.
“Is Emerald coming?”I asked excitedly.
“No!”Mika barked.
I jolted and blanched at his fierce tone and intimidating scowl.
Mika exhaled with a powerful huff.“I’m sorry, girl.Emerald doesn’t know who I am, and she never will.”
Why not?The question gonged through my brain, but I knew better than to ask.Instead, I simply nodded as Dylan and Nick each slung an arm around my waist.
“Come along, little one.I need to go home and spend the afternoon working off breakfast—”