Page 100 of Seize Me

I flashed him an impish grin.“First, I want to take a hot shower.Lather my whole body in citrus gel and let the water beat down on me for hours.”

“A shower, huh?Alone or with someone?”Tony’s voice dipped low and sensual.I tried not to squirm.

“Someone very special, but first, I’ll need to ask him if he’d be kind enough to join me.”

“I’m sure if you ask properly, he will.He might even show you his special shower talents.”

I swallowed tightly.“You mean there’s more you haven’t shown me?”

“Oh yeah, sweetheart, lots more,” he growled, moving in close to the paper covered table I sat upon.

Staring up into his eyes, I slowly rolled my tongue over my bottom lip.Tempting.Teasing.“Don’t you want to know what I want to do after that?”

A playful smile tugged his lips.“What’s the second thing you want to do when you get your casts off, love?”

I leaned my lips close to his ear.“I want to wrap both my legs around your waist.”

A labored groan rumbled from deep in his chest.Sliding his fingers around my nape, Tony skimmed them up my scalp and gripped a fistful of hair.Tilting my head back, he nipped my bottom lip.“I won’t ever make you ask permission for that, angel.”

My nipples drew tight, and blood rushed beneath my clit.For a split second, I wondered if there was a lock on the exam room door and if I could convince Tony that we had time for a quickie.

That’s topping from the bottom.A little voice inside my head reminded.I knew that wouldn’t get me what I wanted.I’d have to ask.Right.

The door swung open, and Dr.Coleman stepped in.Tony tensed, released me, and quickly backed away from the table, guilt written all over his face.He looked like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.I tried not to laugh.

“Didn’t mean to interrupt.I guess I should have knocked,” Dr.Coleman smirked.

“We were just talking,” I replied innocently.“Please, tell me you’re not going to make me walk out of here with these casts on.”

“Okay, I won’t.”The doctor smiled.“But you will have to wear a splint on your wrist for a couple more weeks.You can take it off to shower and to sleep, but I want you wearing it ninety-nine percent of the time, understood?”

The look he shot me was reminiscent of Tony’s unhappy Dom scowl, and it raised my suspicions that Dr.Coleman harbored a little dominant kink of his own.

“Yes, Sir,” I replied, fighting a grin as I shot a glance Tony’s way.

“I’ll make sure she’s a good girl and keeps it on,” he assured with a twinkle in his eyes.

A strange look passed over Dr.Coleman’s face, and he opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it.A few awkward seconds passed before he began cutting the cast from my leg.As he pulled the heavy plaster away, I looked down.

“Oh, good grief.I need to shave.”

Both men laughed.“I’ll get you a new razor, angel,” Tony assured.

After being fitted with the splint, Tony and I headed back to Genesis.I felt a hundred pounds lighter.We pulled into the parking lot, and my cell phone rang.Tony cut the engine as I dug the device from my purse.


“Leagh, it’s Reed.Do you have a minute?”

“Sure, Reed.What’s up?”

“Couple of things, couple of big things,” he replied cryptically.“Judge Bernard is in the process of being disbarred, and Sloane’s challenge of George’s will has been expunged.I know I’m asking a lot, but I’d like to set up a meeting with you and Paula next week.”

“No,” I blurted out in a knee-jerk reaction.

“Leagh,” Reed soothed.“We need to settle his estate.You and Paula are the only surviving beneficiaries named.I’m working like hell to divide his assets between the two of you, but if I don’t get this settled, we risk of it all ending up in probate.”

Tony watched me with concern.He was my knight in shining armor.Ready and willing to slay dragons and monsters, move mountains and boulders or anything that blocked the path of my happiness or my submission—even when the barrier was me and my own stubborn pride.