Page 66 of Seize Me

“Why it’s so hard for you to trust.Everyone you’ve ever loved has either disowned you, turned out to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, or died on you.I understand why you guard your heart.I do.I see you now in a different light.It makes sense why you fight so hard to present a tough exterior.You’re a strong, resilient, and amazing woman.Even when you try to hide those parts, they still shine through.But you’re also delicate and fragile, like a baby bird, and can be broken so easily.”

Tony brushed his palm over my cheek.Embarrassed by his praise, I shrugged.

“Opening up and revealing that to me took guts, Leagh.Thank you for trusting me enough to share your secrets.I’ll keep you safe, sweetheart.If Matt ever tracks you down, I’ll make certain he doesn’t lay a finger on you.And one more thing, I’llneverturn my back on you, love.”

The conviction in Tony’s deep voice surrounded me like a suit of armor.

“Thank you.I know I don’t act like it, but Idotrust you, Tony.I think you’re the first person who’s ever truly deserved it.But giving up my power and letting someone take over is hard for me.”A beleaguered smile tugged one corner of his mouth.“I know.I know…I’m not the poster child for submission.Honestly, if it hadn’t been for George, I wouldn’t have even known the lifestyle existed.”

“How so?”

I scoffed and shook my head.“He came into the café one night, nervous as a cat in a dog pound.He started telling me about a friend who owned an adult club and asked if I’d go with him to check it out.I was shocked and scared I’d end up in the middle of some kind of kinky orgy or something.But it was the first time he’d asked me out, and I wasn’t going to turn him down.”

Tony sat listening patiently as I rambled on.

“He confessed that he’d actually been to Genesis a few times and was intrigued by what he saw.After he assured me it wasn’t an orgy and asked if I could keep an open mind, I was so curious I said ‘yes.’”

“I’ll never forget the first night you came to the club,” Tony whispered as if he were reliving it right along with me.“Your eyes were so wide, and innocence poured off you like summer rain.My dick got hard just looking at you, and I remember hoping you were George’s daughter.”

“Oh my,” I chuckled.

“Yeah, when I found out otherwise, I was devastated.A better man would have turned the other way, but I couldn’t keep from watching you.Fantasizing about all the wicked things I wanted to do to you…all the things I still want to do to you, angel.”

Yes, now…do them now, Tony.Please!

I knew he’d read my mind when he chuckled.“Go on, tell me the rest.”

“After he’d showed me around the club, we went up to Mika’s office and watched through the mirror.Mika explained about Doms, Masters, Tops, subs, slaves, bottoms, switches, and the whole nine yards.Told me what every piece of equipment was called and how it was used.Watching it all got me so turned on, it was hard not to sit there and squirm on the couch.”

Tony laughed.“I like to make you squirm.”

I made a face and continued.“They explained the dynamics of the power exchange and what people gained from it.I guess you could say they gave me a crash course in BDSM,” I chuckled softly, remembering how my mind was spinning that first night.

“I realized how George seemed to be into it, and even though I had a long list of things I wouldn’t do, I agreed to be his submissive.”

Tony grinned.“For someone who didn’t know whit about the lifestyle, you were smart to set limits from the start.”

“Yeah, well, I didn’t know that’s what I was doing.I just knew that the thought of being cuffed to a cross or tied down in any way freaked me the hell out.I was scared to be in such a vulnerable position.”

“It takes a tremendous amount of trust.”Tony brushed his lips over mine.“I know you trust me, Leagh.You never would have let me tie you up if you didn’t.You may not realize it, but you’re a very special treasure to me, sweetheart.”

Tony’s words made my heart swell and a lump form in my throat.I’d been afraid he would reject me for my involvement with Matt, but he vanquished those fears with his gentle understanding.I had no idea what my tomorrows would bring, but for the first time since George had died, a sense of peace settled over me thanks to Tony.

The bubble of serenity surrounding me didn’t last long.Tony’s cell phone rang once again.And as he silently listened, I watched the color drain from his face.

“I’m going to put you on speaker, James.Leagh needs to hear this, too.”

After pushing a button, Tony laid the phone on the bed.At the sight of his trembling hand, I tensed.

“Leagh, honey, we’ve got a little problem with your vehicle out here.”

“Problem?What kind of problem?”I asked, not bothering to hide the fear in my voice.

“That dude dickin’ with your car wired a nasty little brick of C-4 to your spark plug.The Chief just got here and called for the bomb squad to come take a look at it.”


Arush of adrenaline shot through me, hot and buzzing.Shadowy black spots gathered behind my eyes.I sucked in several deep breaths as my heart pounded in my ears.C-4.Bomb squad.This couldn’t be happening…this had to be a nightmare.