“Let’s try this again,” Tony snarled as he prowled toward the bed.“You weren’t born and raised in Chicago.You’ve probably spent hours trying to get rid of that southern accent, but it’s still there…in your voice.Where are you from originally?”
“Why did you come to Chicago?”
“I like the snow,” I quipped sarcastically.
“Oh boy, I think it’s time for me to leave,” Savannah squeaked, casting a wary glance my way.
Tony exhaled a deep sigh and closed his eyes.Nodding, he sucked in a ragged breath before escorting Savannah out the door to the waiting arms of her Masters.
Lucky girl.She gets to escape.
“Thanks all for your help,” Tony conveyed before he closed the door.
“Are you going to continue this little inquisition?”
“Indeed, I am, unless you want to safeword out.In which case, I’ll gather my stuff and go back to my room.”Stalking back to the bed, he cupped my face in his hands.“Open up and trust me.Just once, take a fucking chance.How much longer do I need to prove myself to you?Maybe if you told me why it’s so hard for you to trust, I might understand why you’re deaf, dumb, and blind to the fact that I love you.”
Tony spat the words as if they’d been laced with poison.But that didn’t stop my world from tilting on its axis.He loved me?How?When?Why?
“You can’t love me,” I choked in disbelief.“You don’t even know me.”
Tony launched a humorless laugh.“I know you better than you know yourself, angel.Nearly everyone in this club knows how I feel about you…everyone,exceptyou.Tell me what I want to know.We’re not leaving this room until I have some answers.”
It had been much easier side-stepping Savannah’s questions.He already knew about Hayden’s threats.No way would I be able to pacify him with half truths about Matt.But telling Tony the whole story…he might easily change his mind about me.On one hand, it might be a good thing.We were worlds apart in regard to the lifestyle.But on the other, it would be devastating.I didn’t want to lose him.
Tony studied me for a long moment then sat on the bed beside me.“You really don’t know who that dude was, do you?”
“No!”I replied adamantly.
“Why do I get the feeling you were expecting me to describe someone else?You were, weren’t you?”
“Yes,” I mumbled with a heavy sigh.
“Who is it, Leagh?Who are you hiding from?”
“A man named Matthew Price.”Pausing, I sucked in a deep breath and closed my eyes.“I think he wants me dead.”
Cringing, I readied myself for Tony’s explosion or implosion, or some other combustible caveman reaction.After deathly quiet moments passed, I gathered my courage and peeked up beneath my lashes.The expression on his face was a combination of disbelief, confusion, and indisputable rage.
“Who is he, and why does he want you dead?”
Oh, how was I going to explain all this to him?“He and my dad grew up together.They were like brothers.He was like an uncle to me.I trusted him.”
“Matt is the reason for the restraining order?”
“Does he know where you are?”Tony asked.I could almost see the wheels turning in his head.
“No.George had the papers drawn up as a safety precaution,” I explained.
“Help me out here, angel.A trusted family friend wants to kill you?Why?”
“I can’t tell you,” I mumbled, casting my eyes to the silk fabric of my robe.
“Can’t or won’t?”