Page 61 of Seize Me

“I’m sorry,” I whispered.

“No, shhhh.You’ve nothing to be sorry about.”

“Yes, I do.I freaked out.I just don’t know what set me off like that,” I confessed against his soft cotton shirt.

“I do.I hit a trigger.I suspect we’ll discover a few more landmines as we go along.Don’t be surprised if you get blindsided again, angel.”

“But I don’t want anymore.I’ve tried so hard to shove the night George died aside.”

Tony leisurely threaded his fingers through my hair.“So, this trigger I hit, did it have something to do with George?”


“We’ll talk about the details later.But I think you trying to ignore, rather than deal with, the memories is why you reacted the way you did.”

“I don’t want to dwell on it.I’ve got so many conflicted emotions when it comes to him.I don’t know if I can sort it all out.”Admitting my failure felt easy, tucked in his steely arms.

“Don’t let it overwhelm you.We’ll work through them together.I’m not going to leave you like George did.”

“You can’t promise that,” I refuted on a shaky breath.“No one gets out alive.”

“That’s true, but I plan on being around for a long, long time,” Tony assured.Easing back slightly, a sly grin lit up his face.“Someone’s got to keep you in line.”

Interrupted by the muffled ring of Tony’s cell phone, he slowly released me and stood.

“What’s up?”he asked into the device as he stepped toward the foot of the bed.Resting the phone against his shoulder, he untied my feet.“Hang on, let me ask her.”

Sliding my legs together, I felt my brows wrinkle in question.

“James is on the phone.He’s running the camera board in Mika’s office.Did you call an on-site mechanic to work on your car?”

“A what?”I blinked.“No.Is someone messing with my car?”

“No.She didn’t,” Tony barked into the phone.His body tensed.“Call it in.Let me get someone to stay with Leagh, and I’ll meet you at the back door.You’re armed, right?Good.See you in a few.”

Ending the call, Tony shoved the phone into his jeans pocket.Worry lined his face as he scrubbed a hand through his ebony hair.

“What’s going on?”I demanded, fear rising inside.

“James said a tow truck pulled into the back lot a few minutes ago.Some guy is working under the hood of your car with a flashlight.We’re going to go see what that clown’s up to, but I want you to stay here.”

A different sort of panic stormed through me.Had Matt finally found me, or was Hayden attempting to make good on her threat?Neither scenario made sense.It had been weeks since our clash in Reed’s office.Surely Hayden had cooled off by now.And Matt wouldn’t dick with my car.He’d just put a bullet in my head, quick and clean.My imagination ran wild.Maybe it was just a mix-up, and the guy was working on the wrong car.If not, Matt or Hayden had orchestrated some nefarious plot, and Tony would be in danger.

“No!”I cried, fearing for his safety.“Don’t go out there.Let the police handle it.”

Tony plucked my robe from the chair and helped me slip it on.“Sweetheart, that guy might be long gone before the police arrive.James is just going to flash his badge, and we’re going to ask some questions.That’s all that’s going to happen.Relax.”Cupping my chin, he raised my head, bestowing a reassuring gaze.“Don’t worry.I’ll be right back.”

Before I could open my mouth to argue, Tony stepped to the door.When he jerked it open, Drake’s big body stood in the portal, concern lined the big man’s face.

“Need some help?”the big Dom offered.

“Thanks.Hell, I’m not even sure what we’re walking into.But I need someone to guard Leagh’s door until we find out what that fuck-knuckle’s up to.”Tony’s voice resonated with an icy edge.

“You got it.Nick and Dylan just walked in.I’ll get them back here and up to speed.”

“Thanks, man.See if Savannah can come inside and stay with Leagh.”

“Will do.”Drake nodded before he dashed down the hall.