Page 44 of Seize Me

“Don’t panic, sweetheart.You’re going to be fine.I know you’re scared and have a million questions.I can see it your eyes, but relax for me.Take some deep breaths.Okay?I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere.I promise.”

I blinked once and tried to relax, but my mind wouldn’t stop spooling through the fog that wouldn’t seem to clear.

“It was a hit and run.Some of the witnesses got the license number of the car, but it came back stolen.The cops are anxious to talk to you, but so far, they haven’t found the person who hit you.You’ve got a couple cracked ribs.One of them punctured your lung.That’s why they have you on the ventilator.I’m sure it’ll be coming out soon, now that you’re awake.It won’t be long until you can ask all the questions racing through that gorgeous head of yours.”

I blinked once and squeezed his hand.Glancing down, I began to take inventory of my injuries.My left arm was encased in a thick white cast from below my elbow to my hand.Only the tips of my fingers were visible.I could see my toes peeking from beneath another cast covering my leg from my knee to my ankle.

“It looks a lot worse than it actually is, angel.I’m sure if you could talk, you’d argue with me,” Tony replied with a strained chuckle.“You have a fractured ankle and wrist, and your knee was dislocated, but they fixed that in the emergency room when you were brought in.Other than a ton of scrapes and bruises, and the doctor wanting you to be sedated for the past few days to let your lung heal, you’re a hell of a lucky woman.

My heart bounced off my ribs as Tony listed off the injuries I’d sustained.More worrisome than a few broken bones was the fact that I couldn’t remember a damn thing about the accident.

“You also have a mild concussion.Things might be a little fuzzy, and you might experience some heightened anxiety, but resting your brain will help it heal.”

Anxiety?Everything coming out of Tony’s mouth filled me with anxiety.Maybe the concussion kept me from remembering the accident?My head throbbed like a bitch when I tried to focus too keenly.

“I’ve got to tell you, angel, I’ve been out of my mind sitting here, watching you and worrying.I don’t know what I would have done if…” Tony exhaled a deep sigh.I could see he was struggling to maintain his composure.“When I first got here, they wouldn’t let me see you.I was climbing the fucking walls.Reed faxed over some paperwork, listing me, Mika, and Drake as your next of kin.I’m sorry, but none of us knew how to contact your family.”

No.No.You can’t ever contact them.I screamed inwardly.Gripping his hand tight, I squeezed my eyes closed twice.

“Sweetheart, I’m not stupid.”Tony leaned low.“I know there’s a reason you carry a restraining order, I just don’t know who you’re hiding from.Trust me.We’d never do anything to put you in harm’s way.We’re here to keep you safe, I promise.”

Hoping that the gratitude filling my heart might somehow be conveyed, I blinked once, very slowly.

“You’re welcome, angel.”Tony smoothed a knuckle over my cheek.His dark expressive eyes were filled with compassion and something else.Something I couldn’t quite put my finger on.“It’s so good to see your beautiful eyes again.I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve waited for you to look up at me like you’re doing right now.And just as soon as that tube comes out, I’ll get to see you smile for me again.”

Tony bent low and nuzzled his nose against my cheek.I savored his familiar rugged scent.Drank in the heat of his body, and basked beneath his gentle touch.

Easing back, his compassionate brows furrowed.“Are you in pain, sweetheart?”

I blinked twice.

Holding onto my good hand, Tony settled back in the chair next to the bed.“Doctor Coleman, the orthopedic surgeon who’s been looking after you, has assured me that you should heal up just fine.You’re going to need some physical therapy, but don’t worry.Youaregoing to be okay.”

Again, I blinked once, but even as Tony told me not to worry, fear blossomed in my stomach.I wanted to remember the accident, but my brain felt as if it were wrapped in gauze.“When you left Reed’s office, you got hit by a car.”Focusing on Reed as a starting point, flashes of images began to appear.Sloane.Hayden.Running down the fire exit as Reed called my name.George.His mistress.His lies.A low groan rumbled in my chest.

“What is it, sweetheart?Where does it hurt?”

My heart?While the dull throb of my body wasn’t pleasant, it paled in comparison to the agony in my soul.I blinked twice and gently shook my head.Staring up at Tony, tears clouded my vision before leaking out the corners of my eyes.

“Things are coming back now, aren’t they?”

I nodded.

“I’m so sorry you had to learn about George like that.Reed was on the sidewalk and saw it all happen.He called Mika right away and rode in the ambulance with you.Reed’s a mess, angel.He’s blaming himself for telling you about Paula…”

I closed my eyes and turned my head the other way.I didn’t want to hear her name again.I didn’t want to know anything about her.I wanted her to stay an apparition.It would be easier for me to hate a ghost than an actual human being.

“Listen to me, Leagh.Don’t jump to conclusions.You don’t know the whole story.There’s more to this than you think.”

Jerking my head in his direction, pain erupted in my head like a sledgehammer.My eyes flew open, and I pinned Tony with a hateful glare.Jump to conclusions?The man I loved, and thought loved me, had another woman on the side.A woman he made love to, laughed with, and shared parts of himself that I thought were mine.I didn’t want to hear thewhole story.The bits and pieces that had already been revealed to me were quite enough.

“Let me explain it to you,” Tony sighed.

Blinking twice, I shook my head and closed my eyes, shutting Tony out.

“Okay, my little hardheaded minx, I’ll let it rest for now.But we will talk about it later.”

I slowly shook my head.No, we won’t,.I vowed.Keeping my eyes closed, I escaped back into the darkness.