Page 42 of Seize Me

“George and I suspected that Bernard put pressure on the police chief.They’re hunting buddies.”

My mouth gaped.“You’re telling me that George,myGeorge, had an inkling his daughter or maybe his ex-wife committed murder, and he did nothing about it?”

I couldn’t comprehend any part of Reed’s story.George, the man IthoughtI knew, would never have ignored either woman’s involvement in a petty shoplifting, let alone murder.

Reed held up his hands, deflecting my anger.“He considered the possibility, but again, he had no proof.He certainly never confronted Hayden or Sloane.But after Ethan died, George became extremely cautious.He would only visit Hayden in a public place.He was tenacious about staying safe when he had to deal with either woman.”

“I can’t imagine him living like that.”I shook my head, wondering if I ever really knew George at all.

It was unfathomable for me to imagine the man I’d spent three years with living in fear of his own daughter and ex-wife.And silly me had assumed the reason he met with Hayden away from the house was to shield me from her caustic tongue.But knowing now he’d done it to protect himself from potential harm sent a chill down my spine.

“But all this happened after their divorce.”

“Yes, a couple of years later.Why do you ask?”Reed’s brows furrowed.

“I’m trying to figure out why George agreed to leave Sloane half of everything.I mean, I know he wanted to keep peace among the judges and all that, but there had to be something more.Why did he do it, Reed?Why did he leave Sloane half of his estate?You knew him longer and better than I did.What was she holding over his head?And who is this Paula person?Why did George start a trust fund for her some thirty odd years ago?Is she his daughter?”

Reed clenched his jaw.Inhaling a deep breath, he stared at me but didn’t speak for a long moment.“Leave it alone, Leagh.It has nothing to do with you, okay?”

“I need to know, Reed.Even if it has nothing to do with me, it has something to do with George, and I need to know.”

“No, you don’t.”He shook his head.

“Tell me, Reed.I have to know,” I begged.My stomach twisted.

“Nothing good can come of it, Leagh.Just let it go,” Reed pleaded.

“Tell me, dammit,” I screamed as I stalked toward him, standing toe-to-toe with the tall man.Anguish flashed in his eyes, and sorrow lined his face.My heart thundered in my chest as I tried to prepare myself for the bombshell I knew he was about to drop.

“Paula was George’s mistress,” Reed whispered.

“You mean, before me, right?”My fingers tingled, and my mouth grew dry.

“I mean, for the past thirty-eight years, up until he died.”

Time stopped.Air seized in my lungs.My heart clutched.My body began to tremble, and my stomach lurched to the back of my throat.

Blindsided, no amount of preparation could have ever equipped me for Reed’s confession.

“That’s impossible,” I shrieked.“Ilivedwith him!Why are you lying to me?

“I’m sorry, Leagh.It’s not a lie.When George married Sloane, she signed a prenup that she would take no other lovers.George was already in love with Paula at the time, but her husband—

“Stop!Not another fucking word.I don’t want to hear this,” I cried as I slung my purse over my shoulder, then turned and ran.

“Leagh.Wait!”Reed called out as I yanked the door open and raced down the hall.

Unwilling to wait for the elevator, I found the door to the stairwell, tore it open, and ran down the stairs.Tears streamed down my face as I gripped the railing.Propelling myself down, flight after flight, taking the steps as fast as my feet could carry me.

A mistress!For thirty-eight years, George had a fucking mistress?Where?When?Was he spending time with her when he was supposed to be at work?All those times he went out of town for research?Had he really been gone or simply shacking up with her?Did he love her more than me?Why did he want another woman?Wasn’t I good enough?“How, George…how could you do this to me?”I sobbed.

Sliding off the last step, I gripped the railing tight as forward motion flung me headlong.Wobbling backward, my ass bounced on the last step.Panting and gasping, I couldn’t stop shaking.The life I’d shared with George had been nothing but a well-choreographed lie.

“Leagh?”Reed’s deep voice echoed down the stairwell as the sound of footsteps from above reverberated in my ears.

“No,” I whispered as I stood and forced myself to pull back the door leading to the elegant lobby of the office building.As it slammed behind me, people glanced my way, stared for an uninvolved second, and turned away.Digging through my purse, I clasped my keys and made my way out the revolving door.

The sidewalk teemed with businessmen and women, all scurrying about their busy day.The sunlight blinded me.I raised a hand to shield the glare as I stepped off the curb, wanting only to find refuge in my car and cry.