Page 36 of Seize Me

Tony bristled and slung his arm over my shoulder protectively.The minute we were alone, his interrogation would begin.What on earth was I going to tell him?Anxiety spiked, but I focused on Reed.

“Thank you,” I whispered.“I appreciate knowing you’re here if I need you.”

“It’s the least I can do for George.”Reed’s smile was bittersweet as he stepped toward me and squeezed my shoulder.“You were very important to him, Leagh.He loved you very much.”

Emotion clogged my throat, and I swallowed tightly.

“I know the friendship you two shared meant the world to him, Reed.It will be a long time before the void he left in our hearts heals.”

Reed stood, straightened his shoulders, and sucked in a ragged breath.“Indeed.The reason I came here today is to let you know that tomorrow morning at ten o’clock, I’ll be reading George’s will.He made some arrangements for you, Leagh.I’m sorry I haven’t had a chance to wrap this up sooner, but my docket was booked.”

My heart squeezed, and bittersweet warmth filtered within.Not only had he given me a safety line through Reed, but I knew George too well; arrangementsmeant money.He’d gone to his grave still yearning to provide for me.

“You don’t have to be present at the reading, Leagh.Hayden will be there, and I know there is a wealth of bad blood between the—”

“I’ll be there,” I interrupted with a confident nod.

The false self-assurance I projected did little to mask the fear of Hayden’s threats singing through my brain.Knowing I’d be face to face with the atrocious bitch sent a shiver down my spine.If I failed to show up at Reed’s office, it would be the same as crowning her queen of intimidation.I refused to wilt away or cow down to the skanky whore.I’d made a vow, long ago, that I would never let another soul steal my strength.

Still, I held no illusions.Hayden would be royally pissed if George left me a ball of lint.Especially after she and Sloane went to so much trouble destroying all the treasured gifts he’d given me.But I wasn’t a fool, either.The pretentious princess would soon have more money than Midas, and with it, the power to make my life a living hell.I’d have to watch my temper and my tongue—two things I wasn’t very good at—or pay a huge price.

My fear amplified.My stomach swirled, and I wiped away the beads of sweat forming above my lip.Tony slid his broad hand to my nape and gently massaged the tense muscles.His reassurance did little to appease the icy swell of fear swallowing me up.

“Honestly, Leagh, you don’t have to attend,” Reed repeated as his gaze dipped to my trembling fingers.“I can come by here after the meeting and give you the details.”

“No.I want to be there.”Liar“The words will be coming from your lips, Reed, but they’re the last connection I have to George.Don’t deny me that, please.”Tears stung my eyes as my stomach continued to pitch and yaw.

“Of course not, sweetheart,” Reed sighed in resignation.

“Thank you,” I replied with a weak smile.“I’ll see you in the morning.”

Without waiting for him to reply, I bolted upright from the couch and raced out of Mika’s office.Taking the stairs two at a time, I dug the key to my room from my pocket.

The air around me seemed heavy and thick, as if a plastic bag had been placed over my head.I struggled to fill my lungs before suffocating on anxiety and fear.The thought of slicing open the fresh scars of George’s death, in front of Hayden, had me in a nosedive to hell.

Heavy footsteps echoed behind me as I rushed into the hallway.The scent of leather poured over me, and with it, a barrage of memories clawed my heart.Tears blurred my vision as I raced inside my room and lunged toward the bathroom.

Bending over the sink, I splashed cold water on my face as I gasped for air.Sobs wracked my body.I fell apart at the seams.Stupidly, I thought I’d worked past my stage of fear.But it was back, choking the life out of me.

“Deep breaths, Leagh.You’re having a panic attack,” Tony explained, rubbing a comforting hand over my back.“Relax, and take long, deep breaths.”

Gripping tight to the handles of the faucet, I did as he instructed.Water dripped from my face as I fought to fill my lungs with air.

“Don’t let Hayden do this to you, sweetheart.She’s not worth it.”

“I know,” I gasped.“But she scares me.I don’t know how to fight her.”

“You don’t have to.She can’t do a damn thing to you unless you let her,” Tony whispered in a calm, reassuring whisper.Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, he pressed a kiss to my temple.It felt heavenly.“You’re a strong woman, much stronger than Hayden will ever be.You walk into that meeting tomorrow with your head held high.There’s nothing she can do or say that will strip away your power.”

“I know.But the fears are back, like before.I don’t want to feel this vulnerable anymore.It’s too overwhelming.”

Tony wrapped me in his arms and held me close.“What do you need me to do for you, angel?”

“Take it away.I don’t know how, but please.Just take it away.”

“I do,” Tony assured.“Do you want to make you fly again, sweetheart?I can take it away for a little while.”

Yes.Oh, yes!I needed that pristine silence…that place where the black oily sludge congealing inside me couldn’t touch me.