Page 34 of Seize Me

“No, Sir.As you can plainly see, I’mnoton my knees,” I said with a sassy smirk.“What are you doing here?”

He moved in close behind me, pressing his hard body against my back.“I can order you to your knees if you’d like, sweetheart,” he growled in my ear.“We both know you’d enjoy the hell out of it.”

His erection was hot and hard and wedged between the cheeks of my ass.My nipples drew up tight, and a rush of cream oozed onto my already wet thong.Unable to hide my thundering arousal, I gasped then sucked in a quivering breath.

Yes, Iwouldenjoy the hell out of being naked, on my knees at Tony’s feet.It was how my nightly dreams with him began before morphing into sizzling sexual escapades that always ended with thundering orgasms.It felt pathetic that my sex life had been reduced to vivid, wet dreams.

“I stopped by to escort you up to Mika’s office.”

I tamped down my arousal, turned, and took a few steps back to put some much needed distance between us.

“Why?What’s the meeting about?What have you two cooked up for my lifethistime?”

Tony leaned in closer, reaching around me, landing a hard swat on my ass.I jumped and yelped in surprise.

“What was that for?”I demanded.The sting spread down my legs and made my knees quiver.I placed my hand on his shoulder to steady myself, fighting the urge to close my eyes and savor the dull throb.

“Your smart mouth,” he growled, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes.

“I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.”

“Leagh, when people are trying to help you, it’s polite to say thank you, not ask why or lash out with flippant remarks.”

“It wasn’t flippant, it was true.Besides, I didn’t ask for help.”

Tony chuckled softly.His hypnotic eyes held me prisoner.“No, you didn’t.You never do.And that’s the problem.You need to realize that just because you don’t ask for it doesn’t mean we’re not going to give it.”

“Yes, I get that, doc,” I replied, flashing him a sarcastic smile and peeling myself away from his gaze.“I just don’t want people feeling obligated.I’m better every day.I’m still having a little trouble finding a job, but that will eventually work out, too.I’m sure.”

“Do you honestly think we feel obligated to help you?”

I shrugged.“I don’t know.I’ve certainly done nothing to deserve it.”

“You think that you have to earn our support?”

“It would make me feel less guilty.”

“You have nothing to feel guilty about.You were George’s sub.He touched the lives of a lot of people here.If we ignored the needs of the sub he left behind, it would be as heartless as spitting on his grave.Stop getting your hackles up every time we try to help you, okay?You’re part of our family here, like it or not.”

“Okay,” I whispered.

“Good girl.Now, let’s go.”

“Yes, Sir.”I nodded.

Tony’s eyes flared as another devastating smile spread across his mouth.My traitorous pussy fluttered.Focus,I chided inwardly.

Climbing the back staircase, Tony pressed his wide palm against the small of my back.While the heat of his skin made my body ache, the closer we got to the top of the stairs the more tension I felt rolling off him.What didhehave to be nervous about?Something was wrong.I stopped and turned around.A grim expression lined his face.

“What does Mika want to talk to me about?”I demanded, searching for clues in his dark eyes.

“Reed’s coming to see you,” Tony replied, brows drawing together ever so slightly.

“Okay.So, explain why that makes you nervous.What does he want?”

“I’m worried he might upset you.I’m sure his visit has something to do with George.You’ve been making great strides over these past few weeks.I don’t want anything to cause a setback.”

“You’re right.I am getting stronger.Whatever Reed has to say, I’ll handle it.I’ll be okay.”