Page 24 of Seize Me

“Yes, boss,” I huffed.

Tony bristled.“I have no idea how you’ve managed to go through life without a blistered ass twenty-four, seven.”

I shrugged.“I guess nobody wanted to waste their energy.”

“Until now,” he quipped with a mischievous smirk as he stood.“Get some rest.I’ll be back to check on you in a little bit.Stephen and I are going to go rescue your car.”

Before he could step away, I reached out and clutched his hand.“I know I’ve said this already, but thank you.I really do appreciate what you’ve done for me.”

Tony’s expression softened as he leaned in low and pressed a soft kiss to my cheek.“I’ve only just begun, sweetheart.Get some sleep.”


Aloud knock on my door, accompanied by the sound of giggles, woke me from my dreams.The clock on the nightstand displayed one, but my sleep fogged brain wasn’t sure if it was morning or afternoon.

“Come on, sleepy head, open up.Pregnant woman needs to take a load off out here.”

Julianna.With a small grin, I flipped on the bedside lamp, jumped out of bed, and raced to the door.When I pulled it open, not only was I met with her big, round baby belly, but Savannah and Trevor’s smiling faces as well.My brows furrowed in confusion as I glanced at their arms brimming with shopping bags.

“What is all this?”I asked as Julianna pushed past me, dropped her packages on the floor, and climbed onto my bed.Stacking the pillows against the headboard, she leaned back on them and stretched out her legs.

“We went shoppinnggg,” Trevor sang out with a laugh.

“For what?”I asked, motioning both him and Savannah in before closing the door behind them.

“For you.”Savannah grinned.“After you crashed out last night, Tony snatched your clothes and shoes and gave Mika the sizes who then called Julianna—”.

“Who called Savannah and me this morning, and voilà, you now have clothes!”Trevor added gleefully.

“Tony came to my room last night?”I gasped.

“Yeah.You didn’t see him?”Trevor asked.

“Um, no.”

Glancing over at Julianna, I watched Savannah’s smile fade as she stared at the pregnant woman.“Hey, are you all right?Do I need to get Mika or something?”

“No!”Julianna barked, gripping the other woman’s wrist in desperation.“It’s only Braxton-Hicks contractions.If you tell him they’ve started up again, he’ll come down here and carry my ass back home.I needed this.He’s been on me like a mother hen.I’mnotgoing to let the warden drag me back until I’m good and ready to go…which might be never.Spending the day shopping with you guys was the first productive thing I’ve done in weeks.”

Savannah and Trevor unloaded the packages along with the ones Julianna had left on the floor before climbing onto the bed.We all sat watching Julianna who’d tossed her head back, closed her eyes, and gently strummed her belly.She exhaled long, slow breaths in a steady, rhythmic pattern.

“Stop that!I don’t know nothin’ about birthin’ no babies, Miss Julianna,” Trevor screeched, imitating Prissy from “Gone with the Wind.”We all laughed as a goofy grin curled on his lips.

“How long have you been having the contractions?”I asked.

“A couple of weeks.Mika’s about to have a heart attack…ifI don’t kill him first.You havenoidea how hard I had to beg before he’d let me out of the house, even with Savannah and Trevor vowing to watch over me.”

“Okay, but if you need Mika and you’re not telling, I’ll be the one who ends up with a red ass,” Savannah warned.“I learned my lesson about helping you keep secrets from your Master, Julianna.The last time I tried to help you hide the fact that you were preg—”

“You ended up finding your submissionandyour happily ever after, so don’t go there, Vanna,” Julianna countered with a grin.“I just need to rest for a bit.If they don’t go away, one of you can race up to his office and get the prison ward, okay?”

The buzzing sound of the hidden camera snagged my attention.“Um, sis?”I gulped and pointed toward the bookcase.“I think you’re already busted.”

Julianna’s eyes grew wide as she squinted at the shelves.“For Pete’s sake, I’m fine, Master!”she called out toward the device in exasperation.

“Ten, nine, eight,”

“Trevor, what are you doing?”Savannah asked, wrinkling her brow at the grinning blond man.