Page 19 of Seize Me

Tony’s broad frame filled the portal.Anger seared his dark, narrow eyes, and his nostrils flared like a charging bull.His brawny chest heaved up and down in labored breaths.His fist clenched.The veins in his neck bulged, and damn if he didn’t look like sin on a stick.For one minuscule second, I ached to melt on the ground at his feet.

Sanity slammed me back to reality, warning me to tread carefully with the pissed off sadist.Yet, in the back of my mind, I knew Tony would never truly hurt me.

Unfortunately, the smart ass within took control of my mouth.

“Did you enjoy the show?”I asked with a flippant jerk of my head toward the camera.“I would have thought by now you’d had your fill of watching me bawl and blubber like a baby.Tell me, Tony, were you taking professional notes?Or do you have some kinky crying fetish?”

A wicked grin slashed his lips, and his eyes danced in fiendish delight.His cold, calculating demeanor should have caused a wimpy sub like me to run from the room screaming in panic.But I was too pissed for self-preservation.

Without a word, he stepped inside and closed the door.With a quiet snick, he engaged the lock.

“What do you think you’re doing in here?Get out!”I demanded.

He didn’t say a word as he stalked closer.His methodical movements revealed his intent, and like a runaway freight train slamming into me, I knew I’d crossed the line.Crossed it?Hell, I’d obliterated it.

Glancing past his broad shoulders, the distance to the door seemed the length of a couple football fields.Tony would tackle me long before I reached it.My heart pounded against my ribs as he continued to prowl toward me… like a panther stalking its prey.

Even as my body trembled, I raised my chin in defiance.No way was I going to show him the least bit of fear.

Silently, Tony clasped my wrist and pulled me behind him as he stalked toward the bed.Plopping down on the edge of the mattress, he gazed up at me…assessing.

“I asked what you’re doing in my room uninvited?”I demanded, mustering as much courage as I could.

“You’re out of free passes, angel.”His smile was dangerous, his eyes stormy.If he was trying to intimidate me—give that man a prize!—it worked.

“Why are you in such a…aahh,” I cried out in surprise as he yanked me over his knees before steeling a sturdy arm around my waist and anchoring me to his lap.

“Get your hands off me!What in the hell do you think you’re doing?”I shrieked.

Angry and frightened, I kicked and screamed as I tried to wriggle free.

Without warning, Tony landed a fierce slap across my bare ass cheeks.

“Oh, you did not just do that!”I growled indignantly.“Stop this shit.Right now!I amnotone of your little pain sluts; you let me go!”I demanded as the fiery burn spread over my orbs.Crying out again as he leveled another sharp slap, I seethed with rage.“How dare you spank me like a child?”

“Oh, I dare, sweetheart, because you’ve all but begged for it.And I have no qualms about setting your ass on fire each and every time you want to pull the brat card on me,” Tony chuckled.He spanked me again, unmercifully, emphasizing the gravity of my disrespect.“By the way, angel, your safeword isprotocol.”

I issued a howl as his hand smacked my flesh, over and over.I screamed and bucked with all my might against his ruthless hold.Tears spilled down my cheeks, and my ass felt as if a blowtorch had been set to it.But it didn’t stop me from calling him every vulgar name I could think of.

“All you have to do is say the word, angel,” Tony teased.

“Fuck you!”

“Hmmm.Nope.That’s not the safeword I gave you, sweetheart.”His condescending tone and taunting chuckle launched a more potent wave of anger within.“Did you forget your safeword?”

“No, asshole, I didn’t forget!”I hissed as he brought his hand down with a sizzling whack.It would be a cold day in hell before I let Tony break me down.

“Asshole?That’s not how you talk to a Dominant, angel.”He all but purred his reprimand.

“You’re not a Dominant.You’re a fucking sadist.Let me go, or I’ll report you to Mika.”

Tony snorted, sending me into a caustic rage.Leaning in, I opened my mouth wide and sunk my teeth into his jeans.Tony’s thunderous laugh vibrated over my entire body.He was having one hell of a good time at my expense.

“I’ll stick a ball gag in your mouth if you try to bite me again, Leagh, and as for Mika?Well, he’d probably give me a pat on the back for spanking your ass.Trust me.You’ve more than earned it over the years.”

And didn’t that make me feel like a total failure?Tony’s reminder that he and everyone else in the club thought my submission sub-standard was just one more crushing blow I didn’t want or need.

“Lethimspank me, because you don’t havemypermission,” I screeched.