Page 62 of Seize Me

“Tony?”My voice quivered.

As he turned, I could see anger clouding his coffee-colored eyes.The reassuring smile he flashed my way failed miserably.“You’ll be safe and sound.Just sit tight until I come back.Okay?”

“Wait.Don’t you think you big, bad Doms are overreacting a little?”

“You tell me.I’m in the dark here,” he quipped sharply.“Until I find out who you’re hiding from and why, I’m not taking any chances with your safety.”

Guilt and fear left an acrid taste in my mouth.Tony deserved the truth, and I knew it.But it wasn’t the time or the place.A flurry of commotion outside my door drew my attention.Savannah rushed in, her brown doe eyes wide with concern.Climbing onto the bed, she hugged me tight.

“We’ll be right outside the door if you need us, kitten,” Dylan vowed.There was no hint of his dashing dimple, but a reassuring promise laced his voice.

“Don’t worry, precious, no one’s going to get past us.You two kick back and try to relax,” Nick pledged.

“We will, Sirs.”Savannah forced a smile.

“Thanks, guys.”Tony issued a grim nod.Glancing over his shoulder, he issued me a look of warning.“Don’t leave this room.”

The door closed behind him with an eerie click.

“Leagh, what the hell is going on?”Savannah gasped before nibbling her bottom lip.

“I don’t know.Obviously, the guy out there’s made a mistake.”It’s what I wanted to believe.

“For his sake, let’s hope so,” Savannah replied.“Poor guy’s probably going to crap his pants when Tony, James, and Drake confront him.I sure wouldn’t want to be in his shoes.”

I managed a tight smile as I tried to convince myself it was an innocent blunder.But my woman’s intuition screamed otherwise.

“Why would someone want to mess with your car?You know, don’t you?”Savannah’s keen gaze drilled into me.“I won’t breathe a word.If my sister Mellie was here, she’d tell you…I keep secrets like Fort Knox.”

I couldn’t tell her about Matt, so I took a deep breath and relayed my suspicions about Hayden.Savannah took it all in stride, but I could see in her eyes she was doubly worried.

“I hate having to sit here and wait.I should be out there asking him questions, but I’m too scared.Dammit, why do I have to be such a wimp?”

“Wimp?”She snorted.“Leagh, you’re one of the strongest women I know.You’re a damn rock in comparison to me and every other sub in this place.Hell, you’ve got more backbone than that big ol’ T-Rex at the Field Museum.”

Her scolding brought a smile to my face.I hugged her tight.“You do wonders for my self-esteem, sis.Thank you.”

“I’m not saying that to pump you up, Leagh.It’s the truth.”She nodded with conviction after pulling back.“Everyone here loves you.No way Hayden will ever lay a finger on you, not with us around.”

Long minutes later, the door opened, and Tony stepped inside.His expression was grim and his eyes were wild.

“What happened?”I swallowed tight and held my breath.

“As soon as we ran out the back door, he dropped a screwdriver and took off in his truck.He got away, but not before James got a license number.The cops just got here.They’re tracing the plates, and James is running interference for you and answering their questions.”I could feel a tremendous rage pouring off Tony.

Undaunted by his intimidating anger, I had to know if it was Matt.“What did he look like?”

“Short, about five foot-five.Black hair.Beady little eyes.A couple day’s growth on his face.He looked dirty and mangy.Who the fuck was he, Leagh?And what’s he holding over your head?”

I blinked as my mouth gaped open.I had no clue who Tony was talking about.Matt was tall with thinning blond hair and blue eyes, the polar opposite of the man Tony had described.

“I…I don’t know,” I stammered.

“Dammit, Leagh, tell me the truth,” Tony bellowed.

Raising my chin, I squared my shoulders.Just because I was at a postural disadvantage, I wasn’t going to give him the upper hand, especially when I was being honest.

“Iamtelling the truth,” I hissed.“I don’t know a man by that description.And I have no idea why someone would be messing with my car.”