“And control,” I replied on a nervous whisper.
“Yes, I ache for your control, sweetheart.”Tony bent low, hovering a hairsbreadth from my lips.“And you want to know a little secret?Deep down, you ache to give it to me, but you’re holding back.You’re dying to tear down those walls and open up to me, but you’re afraid.Trust me, Leagh, there’s nothing you can say that will change how I feel about you.Whatever you’re trying to hide isn’t hurting anyone but you.Don’t give it the power to hold you back from living.I’ll never be able to reach you, not the way I want to…not the way I burn to, until you knock down those walls and let me in.Trust me, angel, once I crawl inside your head and your body, you’ll know what it means to be whole.”
My pulse pounded, and my pussy clenched.The hunger in his voice set my skin ablaze.
“I will open your eyes to what submission really means.You’ll fight me, just like you are now.You’ll balk at my rules and protocols.But just remember, every time you push back, it’s because you’re secretly begging for me to launch you higher and harder than you’ve ever gone before.”
Like the way you tossed me into subspace so damn easily.
“Make no mistake, angel, I don’t intend to stop pushing until you blossom for me like a rose”
If Tony was trying to frighten me out of accepting the submissive fantasy he offered, he was doing a damn good job.The idea of letting him climb that deep inside my head and heart scared the crap out me.
“But I promise you this, no man, Dominant, or Master will treasure your gifts more than I.All you have to do is open the door and let me in.Trust that I’ll cherish everything you give me.”
The passion of his declaration took the starch out of my anger and dissolved the fears dancing in my brain.I desperately wanted to believe his promises, more than I wanted my next breath.He was offering me the moon and the stars, still I worried he may not feel the same once he discovered the quantity of excess baggage I carried.
A part of me ached to tell him about Matt, but I knew what Tony’s reaction would be.He’d thump that captivating chest of his and lock me away in an ivory tower.I had no doubt Tony wanted to take on the role as my protector and mentor, but how on earth was I supposed to give my power to such a strong Dominant?
I’d been George’s collared sub, but his expectations paled in comparison to Tony’s.The few rituals George required had never been truly submissive, not really.They’d been sexual in nature and more of a role-play between us.Tony would require a hell of a lot more than a handful of half-assed rituals.He’d want to take over every aspect of my life.And once he’d gleaned the details of my past, he’d want to isolate me to the point of madness.Just knowing that should have sealed the deal.It was a no brainer.But the conviction in his voice, and the sincerity twinkling in his eyes, held the promise that he’d show me a world—up until now—I’d simply dreamed about.
Tony continued to torment my nipples with his enticing fingers.After tweaking each peak, he grasped the metal clamps and pinned me with his erotic eyes.
“Do you trust me, angel?”
Unable to speak, I nodded as he readied the clamps.
“Say it aloud.Feed my dominance with your surrender.”
“I trust you, Sir.”
His eyes narrowed.His nostrils flared, and he inhaled a ragged breath.I thought he was going to roar like an animal, but instead, a slow smile of absolute satisfaction spread over his lips.Tugging one nipple, he rolled the aching tissue and aligned the metal clamp over the swollen, red tip.
Pain like liquid silver spread from the center of my breast and exploded along an invisible fiber linked to my clit.Sucking in a hiss, I writhed and moaned as Tony attached the second clamp.
“Ahhh,” I cried, arching my back off the bed as lightning seared an identical path to my core.
“Breathe the sting away, angel.You’ll take this pain for me, won’t you?”Tony’s beguiling tone pummeled the last of my defenses.
Feathering his fingertips along the swell of each breast, he trailed the broad pads down my ribcage.My abdomen quivered as his digits danced a deviant waltz toward the apex of my bare mound…then stopped.
As pleasure mixed with pain pulsed through my raw, awakened nerve endings I sucked in one trembling breath after another
“Is this too much for you?Can you take this, Leagh?”Tony demanded in a bellicose tone.
Swallowing tightly, I nodded.
“Answer me, angel.I need to hear your voice.”
“Yes, I can take it,” I replied in a raspy whisper.
Rocking my hips in silent appeal, I longed for his fingers to continue their quest.The walls of my pussy constricted, and the thin membrane surrounding my swollen clit constricted.The accidental massage brought a sliver of relief.I closed my eyes and repeated the process, savoring the building arousal as arcs of pain seared beneath my nipples.
“Look at me, Leagh,” Tony instructed before driving his finger deep into my cunt.
Gasping, my eyes flew open wide.My walls squeezed around his digit, sucking, milking, and pulling him in.