Page 40 of Seize Me

I had no idea who this Paula woman was, but she was not a friend to Sloane, that much was obvious.Did George have another daughter?Another ex-wife perhaps?Questions continued bombarding me.Reed ignored the blast of contempt pouring off Sloane and kept right on reading.Once this was over, I planned to ask him about the mystery woman, Paula.

“And one million dollars,” Reed announced, “already established in an account at the Federal Community Bank in the name of Leagh Marie Bennett.”

My heart thundered in my chest as his words echoed in my ears.Stunned by George’s generosity, relief slowly seeped through me.I could buy a new identity, enroll in college, and get my degree in advertising.Best of all, I could pay back my friends.The amount of money George had set aside for me was staggering.What touched me most—more priceless than the amount of money—was George’s need to keep me protected and safe.It was the one thing I loved the most about him.

“Over my dead body,” Sloane screamed as she leapt from her chair.Her face twisted in rage as she glared at me and slammed her fist on the table.“You’re not going to touch one red cent ofmymoney.Do you hear me, bitch?”

Her venomous outburst jolted me from my daydreams and filled me with fear.Snapping my head in Reed’s direction, the man looked as if he was struggling to control his own anger.Gripping the hinge on his glasses, Reed tore them from his face and slashed the evil bitch a scowl.

“Sit down, Sloane.George’s directives are not up for debate.You will refrain from your snide commentary until the will has been read, or I’ll have you escorted from my office.”Sloane huffed and issued a curt nod.“George had every legal right to name Leagh as a benefactor.Need I remind you that George inherited his fortune?You simply married into it, Sloane.The exterior of your grief-stricken ex-wife persona is showing cracks.”

“How dare you sling insults at me?”she fumed.Her face darkened to a deep crimson.

“It’s not an insult, Sloane, it’s the truth,” Reed dryly replied.

I bit the inside of my cheeks to keep from laughing.

“If I were you,” he warned.“I’d count my blessings George didn’t liquidate every penny and give it to Paula ten years ago.”

“Our divorce decree supersedes his will, Reed.Don’t think I haven’t done my homework.You biased prick.”

“I’m sure you’ve received a plethora of legal advice from Judge Bernard, both in and out of bed, Sloane,” Reed drawled with an exaggerated roll of the eyes.“But you’re entitled to what is left of George’s estate.You don’t get to dictate who he bequeaths a fucking dime to.If Bernard, your all-knowing legal advisor, was here he’d inform you the same.”

“Oh, he’ll be hearing from me.In fact…Immediately,” Sloane hissed turning her hateful gaze toward me.“You won’t touch of dime of my money, you white trash gold-digger.I’ll have your account frozen while your bony whore ass still sits in that chair.Don’t think I won’t.”

“For heaven’s sake, Sloane.You can’t do that, and we both know it.Stop being so damn dramatic.”Reed’s tone teemed with exasperation.

Sloane flashed him an icy smile as she pulled out her phone and began texting.My heart was in my throat.She obviously carried tremendous power as Judge Bernard’s personal fuck-toy, and I was convinced this was just one of many tricks up her sleeve.Giving a cursory glance at Hayden, I discovered a smarmy smirk poised on her lips.My blood pressure spiked.I wanted so badly to lean over the table and bitch slap both her and Sloane for attempting to thwart George’s wishes.

Sloane slid her phone back into her purse, leveling an arctic glare Reed’s way.“Let it be noted that I’m contesting George’s will, and paperwork on my behalf is being filed as we speak.”She and Hayden stood in unison, tossing their noses in the air, as if they’d practiced the move for years.

“You’re actually going to throw away thirty million dollars because your panties are in a twist that you violated your prenup, Sloane?”Reed chuckled.

She stopped and turned toward Reed.“Don’t think, for one second, you’ll be presiding over this case.Need I remind you it would be a gross conflict of interest?And if you stick your nose into any of this, I’ll have you disbarred.”

“Suffice it to say, Bernard won’t be presiding over or actively engaged in the process either.I’ll make certain he suffers the same fate.I don’t have a single qualm about revealing your little secret or having that son of a bitch disbarred.Are you certain you want to play hard ball with me, Sloane?”Reed smirked, arching a brow.

I couldn’t help myself.I laughed.It was empowering to watch Reed stick up for all the shit George had to swallow in order to live in peace from his hateful ex.The haughty hag had that and more coming to her.

“I don’t know what you think you’re laughing at, you kinky little bitch,” Hayden screeched as she rushed around the table, looking like she was ready for a throw down.I lurched from my seat and curled my fists.Lunging forward, I baited her to take a swing.I wanted nothing more than to knock her flat on her arrogant ass.

When Hayden recoiled in fear, I smirked.“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains turned your Daddy on like a fucking light bulb.I made his dick so hard a cat couldn’t scratch it,” I taunted in fiendish glee.


Reed grabbed my arm and pulled me back, just as Hayden lurched toward me with a feral scream.Simultaneously, Sloane grabbed a fistful of her daughter’s hair and hauled her back.

“I’m going to kill you.You fucking bitch!Then every penny of Daddy’s money will be mine!”Hayden spat as her eyes bulged, and her face blazed bright red.

“Wrong, princess.It’s not yours and never will be.You have to share it with Mommy dearest.You want to tangle with me?Bring it, you repulsive, pampered bitch,” I hissed.“I’m not afraid of you or your childish threats.”

As the words tumbled off my tongue, my body trembled.Not in anger, but in a mixture of self-preservation and adrenaline.I could tell she was ready to scratch my eyes out—not because of the money—for pure spite

“Did you just threaten Leagh in my presence, Hayden?”Reed barked as he stepped in front of me and blocked both women from my view.

“Of course, she’s not, Reed,” Sloane quickly assured as her voice quivered.The woman was clearly shaken by her daughter’s behavior and back-peddling to smooth Reed’s retribution.“Hayden is despondent over the loss of her father.She has no idea what she’s saying.”

“Blow those lies up someone else’s ass.If anything happens to Leagh, if she breaks so much as a fingernail, I’m pressing charges.Do you understand?”Reed bellowed.His body taut, and his hands clenched at his sides.“I can’t stand the sight of either one of you.George was a good man.This meeting is over.Get the hell out of my office.Now!”Reed growled as he pointed at the door.