Page 27 of Seize Me

“I juss wanted to have a regular day, you know?”I sniffed.“And poor Slotty, he’s prolly feeling like a hot plate of shit but isss not his fault.Isss really not.Isss mine.”

“Noooo.Nobody’s fault, L,” Trevor soothed.“It’ss not fair, that’s all.George loved you and you loved him.It’s gonna hurt for more than a day.”

“You’re doing real good, Leagh,” Savannah encouraged.“You’re a strong lady.You’re gonna—hiccup—gonna get through this.We’re all gonna h—hiccup—help.”

Trevor started to giggle.

“Sh—hiccup—it,” Savannah giggled before starting to laugh.Hard.

And like a chain reaction, my sobs turned to snorts, and my tears of sadness turned into tears of laughter.Even in my drunken stupor, I realized how blessed I was to have such loving and supportive friends.When the bathroom door opened, the three of us looked up.Our laughter died instantly when four very unamused Doms—Drake, Dylan, Nick, and Tony—stepped in.Standing shoulder-to-shoulder, they looked down at three guilty and extremely inebriated subs.

“Don’t put on your frownie face, Drake.We just had a little wine, that’s all,” Trevor explained as he held up his finger and thumb, measuring a one inch gap.

“You address me as Drake, now.boy?”

“Um, Dadddy, I’m s-ssorry,” Trevor stuttered.

“You’re sitting in the ladies’ room for fuck’s sake.You’re telling me you only had a little bit to drink?”Drake snorted.

“Well, you’restandingin the ladies’ room, Master.How much have you had to drink?”Trevor giggled.

“Shhh, Trev—hiccup—vor,” Savannah warned.

“Not near enough to keep me from whipping your ass bloody, you mouthy little shit,” Drake thundered.

“Oh,” the young man replied sheepishly.“Gotcha.”

“Kitten?”Dylan slashed a brow at Savannah as she slunk down a little lower on the chaise.

“Yes, Mass—hiccup—ter?Dammit, I can’t st—hiccup—stop these fucking things.”

“Oh, precious.You’re not allowed to use that kind of language, no matter how drunk you are,” Nick reprimanded.

“Sorry, Sir,” she whispered and hiccupped again.

“Leagh, what’s going on here, sweetheart?”Tony asked as he crouched in front of me.Taking the soggy napkin from my fingers, he patted it against my cheeks.

His brown eyes sparkled with compassion and understanding.I desperately wanted to wrap my arms around his neck and hold on to him, forever.

“We came here for lun..lun… food.But the wine was so nummy.I mean yummy.I dunno.Did we eat?”I asked, leaning forward, looking between the blurry images of Savannah and Trevor.She frowned and shook her head.

“Oh, I guess we forgotted to eat.I think wewere gonna do that, but I nn…needed a drink.Did chew know… George’s is…his ghost is everywhere I go.So, we had some drinks, and I fin’lly got to laugh.So, we had a wholeeee bunch more of both and…”

Through my wine induced fog, I realized that I’d probably gotten Savannah and Trevor into a world of trouble with their Masters.

I looked up at Dylan and Nick and Drake.“Isss not their fault.Don’t be mad at S’vanna and Trev ‘cause of me, Sirs.I just wanted a day where my heart wasn’t being ripped apart.And they didid that for me.I love them.I really love them.”I turned back to Savannah and Trevor.“I really love you guys.”

“We love you, too, Leagh,” Trevor choked, blinking back tears.

Savannah nodded and gave my leg a tiny squeeze.“Yes, we do.”

“I wasn’t sure I could make it through all this ssshit, you know?”I explained to the Doms staring at me as their images blurred.“But S’vannah and Trev took the hurt away for a few hours.Don’t punish them for that.”

I begged the other Doms to be lenient on my behalf.“If it hadn’t been for me, they’d have… never have… dis’ppointed you guys.They love you.”

With the realization that I was the only sub in the room that didn’t have a Dom to atone to, another wave of anguish caught me unprepared.

The four Doms exchanged a glance.Without a word, Drake bent and cupped his massive hands around Trevor’s cheeks.Bending down, he slanted his lips over the young man’s mouth, lifted him to his feet, and wrapped his burly arms around the thin man in a passionate embrace.