Page 101 of Seize Me

Suddenly, it all became crystal clear.George had never been a real Master.He’d never corrected my rebellious streaks, never punished or praised, just allowed me to act out untilhesubmitted to my demands.George wasn’t able or willing to harness his own dominance, and I had floundered.Having absorbed the potent power exchange at the club, it had awakened my inner submissive.No wonder it chaffed so badly to be known as the ‘brat’ of Genesis, but topping from the bottom had been the only skewed way I knew to fill what was missing.

Until now.

A smile spread across my mouth, and I knew what I needed to do.

“I don’t want George’s money, Reed.Give it all to Paula.”

Tony choked, and his mouth fell open in shock.“Wait.Are you crazy?Put him on speaker, angel.Now.”

“Reed, can I call you back in a few?”I asked, startled by Tony’s anger.

“Sure.Call me back.”

When I hung up from the call, Tony glared at me.

“What?”I asked, wondering why he’d gone from stunned surprise to now shooting daggers at me.

“I told you to put him on speaker, not call him back,” Tony growled.

“I want to talk to you about this, but I’d rather do it inside.I wasn’t topping from the bottom,” I explained, trying to remain calm.

With a grunt, Tony relented.I filled him in on the details as we made our way into my room.

“You really need to think about this, Leagh,” Tony began.“This is a once in a lifetime chance at financial freedom.You’ll never have to work another day in your life.You could live anywhere.You…”

He paused and looked away.The palpable wall he erected scared me.

“What’s wrong?”

“I can’t help you with this decision, angel.I’m sorry, but I can’t.You’re going to need to figure out what you want to do on your own.”

“Wait a minute,” I cried.“You’ve been all up in my shit for weeks.”

“Language,” Tony warned.

Ignoring him, I continued with my rant.“Now, all of a sudden, you don’t care what I do?”

“That’s not what I’m saying,” he replied in a low, even tone.

“Then, what exactly are you saying?It sounds to me that since Matt’s dead and my casts are off, you’re washing your hands of me.”

His placid expression turned to one of shock.“Seriously?What have I ever done to make you think that?Or are you just projecting the one thing you’re most afraid of… me dumping you?”

“Don’t start analyzing me, Tony.”

“That’s what I do, sweetheart,” he taunted with a crooked smirk.

“Save it for your patients.Why do you suddenly have no desire to weigh in on a huge decision that affects my life?”I pressed my fists onto my hips.Dominant or not, the man forced me to put on my bitch wings.“Why, now, are you not chomping at the bit to stick your nose in my business?”

My last comment brought an impish grin to curl his lips.“I’d love to throw you down on the bed and stick my nose, mouth, and tongue all up in your business, angel.But Reed’s expecting your call.”

“Dammit, Tony!Answer my question,” I cried.

Fire flashed in his dark eyes as a wicked laugh rolled off his tongue.“You’re going to pay for your filthy mouth…later.And by the way, I think you’re sexy as hell when you get all riled up.”

I sent him a seething glare.Undaunted, he moved in closer.I bristled when he caressed my arms before gripping them tight.

“You want something from me, sweetheart?I suggest you do it the right way and stop trying to make me lick your heels.”As he leaned his mouth close to my ear, I trembled.“Ask me from your heart, my love.Not from your fears.”