Page 10 of Seize Me

“I appreciate what you’re saying.Really, I do.There’s no way I can forgive myself.”Tears slid down my cheeks as my stomach pitched.

“Leagh, he’s dead and gone.”

Tony’s words awakened a volcano of anger inside me.As it erupted, I drew back my hand and slapped his face.“Don’t say that!”

He gaped at me.Surprise, mixed with anger, gleamed in his eyes before he closed them and clenched his jaw.As if trying to calm a raging thunderstorm within, Tony exhaled a deep breath before looking down at me.

“I’m sorry, Leagh.He’s gone, but you’re still here.You can’t stop living, angel.”

“Why are you doing this to me?”

“Doing what?”

“Making me feel things I don’t want to feel.Shoving things in my face that I don’t want to deal with.”

“To prove you can’t pull down the shutters and hide from life.”

“Maybe I want to.”

“I’m not going to let you.”

Great.“I know what you’re doing, Tony.”

“Yeah, what’s that?”

“You’re trying to crawl inside my head and fix me.But unlike your patients,Ididn’t make an appointment.”

“Look, all I’m trying to do is help you start healing in healthy ways.”

A bitter laugh seeped from my throat.“Healthy?You’ve got to be kidding.I have to find a new place to live and get a job.Hell, I don’t know if I can put one foot in front of the other.Not to mention, I have no clue how I’m supposed to sail through this bitter sea of despair churning inside me.And you’ve got the gall to stand there and tell me my guilt isn’t healthy?I’ve got news for you, Tony.My mental health is the last damn thing on my list right now.”

“Then let me help you,” he implored.

“How?Do you want to lay me on your couch and let you delve into my head?No, wait.I know.You want to cuff me to a cross and spank my ass, right?”

A slow wicked smile tugged at his lips.“I have no doubt a spanking would probably do you a world of good.And if I laid you out on a couch, it would be to have you beneath me.”

Even as anger blazed in my veins, a hotter flame coiled in my womb and spread through me at the visual his words conjured in my brain.

“Stop.Please, Tony.Just stop.”

“Dammit, Leagh.I want to help you through this.”

“I didn’t ask for—”

“No.And you never will.You’re too damn stubborn.”A wry grin tugged at his lips.“Finish up your shower and stop drowning in your damn guilt.Understood?”

“Yes, Sir,” I snipped, plastering a sarcastic smile on my lips.

“Oh yeah, you’re in serious need of a spanking.”He grinned.“Your clothes are on the chaise.I’ll meet you downstairs.”Tony leaned into the droning water and kissed my forehead before he stepped out of the shower.

I exhaled a sigh fraught with anguish, sexual frustration, guilt, and doubt.Each emotion swirled like an F5 tornado.Oz had nothing on my surreal life.

With a huff, I smoothed a handful of conditioner over my hair.Tony wasn’t going to give up or go away.It both rankled and, oddly, pacified my ragged nerves.I had to find a way to deal with him.No doubt, my head and heart would soon become mortal enemies.

The image of Tony naked was one I couldn’t erase.Dark erotic eyes.Defined bronze body, wet and slick.His massive cock stood at attention like a well-trained soldier, with its swollen crest stretched tight, all but screaming for relief.I’d no more licked my lips imagining the taste of him before images of George shoved their way into my brain.

A gritty sludge of contrition enveloped me.Easing onto the shower floor, I tucked my knees up to my chin and cried.