Page 30 of Tyrant

“And why the hell do I give a shit?” The cab rolled to a stop and I opened the door.

Her fingers curled around my arm. “He’s going to kill me.”


There was a soft knock on the door.

I jerked away from the window and the blinds I’d parted with my fingers to peer outside snapped closed. I knew it wasn’t Kilter because I was getting that the guy didn’t know how to knock.

“Rayne, it’s Anstice. Can I come in?”

I hadn’t seen any of the Scars except Kilter for two days. After hearing about Ryker being here, I’d stayed in the bedroom.

I walked to the door, put my hand on the doorknob, took a deep breath then opened it.

Anstice smiled. “Hey. I came to check if you needed anything.”

We were the same height, although Anstice was wearing one-inch heels. She had on a white blouse and dark blue jeans that sculpted to her long, fawn-like legs. There was a vibrancy and animation with Anstice’s stark features and flaming red hair, but her voice contradicted her looks in that it was quiet and poetic.

“Ah, no. Thanks,” I replied.

Hovering by the door, she shifted her weight and said, “At breakfast the other day, I saw the bruises on your neck. I can heal them if you want.”

“I’m fine.” I had no interest in anyone using their abilities on me and certainly not touching me.

“They have to be tender.” Anstice paused. “I promise, healing doesn’t hurt.”

I’d heard that before—it always hurt. “I’d rather not.”

I heard booted footsteps come down the hallway and I looked past Anstice’s shoulder to see Kilter. He scowled, but then that was pretty much a permanent thing, so it didn’t give me any indication as to whether he was mad or not.

“Let her heal you, babe.”

Anstice said, “It’s okay, Kilter. She doesn’t have to—”

“Yeah, she does.” His eyes locked on mine and I crossed my arms as if to shield myself from his intense gaze. It didn’t work.

I raised my chin and said, “I don’t want her to.”

There was a hint of a lip twitch at the right side of his mouth and his furrowed brows lifted. “Anstice, give us a minute,” Kilter ordered.

“Umm, yeah, sure.” She half-smiled at me before walking back down the hall. Kilter strode in, forcing me back, then kicked the door shut with the heel of his boot.

“I need you to do this.”

He stalked toward me and I backed up until my legs hit the end of the bed. He stopped inches away.

“It’s important.” He raised his hand to my neck, his knuckles tracing the bruises. It was so gentle I barely felt it. “She can heal these. In minutes, they’ll be gone.”

His eyes lifted from my neck and came back to mine. The black depths of his eyes melded with a chocolate color that radiated warmth.

“Jesus, babe, I hate the reminder of what he did to you. I see the bruises and all I see is you hanging by your throat.” He sighed. “I’m asking if you will do this for me.”

My eyes widened and my heart skipped a beat. I’d anticipated him demanding I let Anstice heal me, not asking if I’d do it for him because he didn’t want to be reminded of Anton strangling me. I didn’t know what to do with that, so I stayed quiet.

He continued, “You still want to refuse, I’ll let it go, but I won’t like it.”

I hesitated, biting the inside of my cheek, and watched him as he waited patiently for my answer. “It’ll be fast?”