Page 74 of Captive Princess

“No!” Tom shrieked. “P-p-please, Master Yakim. Make it stop. Please make it stop. I’ll do anything for you. Please, please, please!”

Ignoring their crocodile tears, Yakim continued. “Who did you get in touch with?”

“The man who came to the house yesterday morning,” said the quiet man. “He paid us and asked us to get in touch with someone else. That’s how we planned the raid with their men.”

“What’s the name of the man you spoke to?” Mikhail asked.


“Jerry Morelli?” Mikhail guessed.

“Maybe. He didn’t tell me his last name.”

“What else can you tell us about the people you worked for?” Yakim asked.

The man shook his head. “Everything happened in the span of a single day. There was no conversation apart from the raid they were planning. Besides, they didn’t want us to do anything other than opening the gate for them.”

Moving forward, Mikhail grabbed the man by his throat. “You don’t sound stupid, Perez. Why did you get involved with this man in the first place? Don’t we pay you enough?”

“I’m sick of living here,” said Perez. He gazed at me with dead eyes. “I don’t even mind dying. Just need a release from this place that’s so full of secrets, it chokes the life out of me.”

“You were nearly dead when we found you on the streets,” said Mikhail in a grim tone. “There was no one to care for you or feed you. We took you in and this is how you repay us? You want to die and don’t give a shit about betraying the people who saved your life?”

“I’ll make him choke on those words, brother,” I said in a cold, promising tone. “We’ll see whether he begs me to spare him or not.”

“Kill me,” said Perez.

He thought dying by my hands was going to be easy? I’ll give him a tour of hell before he went knocking there.

“You can start,” said Yakim in a grim voice.

“I almost forgot about something,” I said. “There’s someone else who needs to see me do this.”

Mikhail glanced at Yakim who was staring straight at me.

“Who?” Yakim asked.



“You’ve allowed her to stay here,” I said with a cold smile. “She must know who I am.WhatI am.”

“You want her to be scared of you?” Mikhail asked with a frown.

“I want her to see me exactly the way she sees Yakim.”

“You don’t have to do this,” Mikhail protested. “She’ll never accept us if she sees this side of you.”

“It’s okay,” said Yakim. “Lucia’s tougher than you think. Besides, it’s time we stopped pretending. She must know who we are and what we do. It’s the only way to make her truly ours.”

Mikhail didn’t seem happy at the prospect of exposing Lucia to the monster that lurked inside me. He wanted to coddle her but she had to know what we’d become because of her. She had to know how her brother killed the humanity inside each of us.



My heavy eyelids slowly opened but squeezed shut again. Trying again, I blinked against the bright morning sunshine coming in through the windows.