In the end, I decided to choose her recommended sweatshirts and baggy trousers. The fabrics were amazingly comfortable and warm.
A smile lifted the corner of my lips. I’d finally be able to put on some clothes that didn’t feel so suffocating. It was almost a comfort Yakim and his brothers sliced up the atrocious wedding gown Callum had forced on me.
“Do you mind if I took a shower?” I asked.
A sly grin lifted the corner of her lips. “I did notice you waddling. Never pegged Yakim to have such nasty habits as making a mess inside his woman.”
Heat rose to my cheeks. I was so embarrassed I couldn’t look at her straight.
“Damn, you’re cute,” she said, throwing an arm over my shoulder.
Leading me out of the closet, she walked across the vast suite and opened another door. “Have a quick shower because I need one too. It’s disgusting to have those scums’ blood on me.”
“I’ll be quick,” I promised and walked inside the luxurious bathroom. Closing the door behind me, I exhaled a long breath.
I’m safe, the thought ricocheted around my mind, relaxing me completely. Callum failed to hurt Yakim and his siblings. He even failed to get me back under his control.
A smile rose on my lips. I was still free of my brother.
Breathing more easily, I looked around. Even though the amenities in the bathroom were modern, there was an underlying touch of a bygone era.
A large bathtub took up most of the space. There were paintings of water lilies and mermaids hanging on the walls. Just a look at them told me they were ancient. No modern artist painted such masterpieces these days.
Placing my borrowed clothes on a rack, I hunted for fresh towels.
All bath products were packed inside mahogany cabinets that lined one of the walls. I opened a few to locate the towels and came across one that contained a myriad of short daggers and thread-like long needles.
I reached out and picked up a knife. The handle was made of carved ivory. I rotated it in my hand, watching the polished blade reflect beams of light on my face. My finger pressed onto the tip lightly. A little more pressure and it’d pierce through my skin.
I placed the knife back. It’d be useless even if I snuck it out with me. I was never taught to fight.
After rummaging in a few more cabinets, I came across the towels. Grabbing one, I headed toward the glass-walled shower stall in the corner.
My bare feet left crimson stains on the tiles. I let the bedsheet covering me fall away and entered the shower stall.
Steamy, hot water poured from the wide faucet, soaking into my sore, exhausted body. I cleaned between my thighs, reminiscing the explosive moment when Yakim came inside me earlier. He’d left me aching with the sweetest, most addictive need.
It was dangerous to have him come inside me without any protection. I didn’t use any contraceptives. Callum forbade me to be on the pills. There was never any need because he strictly controlled me, never allowing me to step out of the house without guards.
Yakim came inside me during every sexual encounter. Counting the dates in my head, I was due to have my period in the coming week. The chances of getting pregnant were slim but you could never be sure.
Warm water ran through the wet tendrils of my hair, soaking into my eyes.
Maybe Lilja can help me, I thought. She was the only one who’d shown me a shred of kindness here.
Stepping out of the shower, I dried myself and put on the clothes Lilja loaned me. They fit me well and I reveled in wearing something that didn’t make me feel so naked and vulnerable.
“What took you so long?” Lilja asked as soon as I stepped out of the bathroom. Her gaze roved all over my face before sliding down my body. “You look better though.”
“You need shoes,” she commented, noticing my bare feet. “Let me get you a pair of mine and see if they fit.”
“Wait up!” I called after her as she was about to head into the closet.
“What is it?” she asked curiously.
I moved closer to her and almost leaned into her. “Can you get me some pills?” I whispered.