Page 62 of Captive Princess

“Leon warned me just now,” I said. “We’ve been breached.”

“What?” Mikhail spat. “I didn’t hear anything about an attack on our family.”

“Listen to me very carefully,” I said in a low, commanding tone. “They’re here to get Lucia. Callum Baldwin shook hands with the Morelli family to get back at us. He’s even made traitors out of our men.”

“The sleazy mob families have needed a kick up their asses a long time ago,” said Lilja. “Same with the men who guard our home. Everything’s been too quiet lately. They’ve forgotten the consequences of betraying the hand that feeds them. It’s time to remind them not to fuck with the Volkov clan.”

“This is crazy! How did they go undetected by my network of spies?” Mikhail looked disturbed but there was no time to explain anything to him at the moment.

“We’re heading toward the southern quarters,” I said. “Mikhail, be ready to face them on the first floor. Lilja, second floor. Anyone who makes it past you guys, faces me. Remember. Their target is Lucia. She’s the prize. We defend her.”

“Are we allowed to kill the bastards?” Lilja asked hurriedly.

My baby sister looked extremely excited about the prospect of being at the frontlines. She was rearing to go tear some heads.

“Be careful, Lilja,” I warned in a grim tone. “I don’t want a scratch on you. One single scratch or bruise and you can forget about the Harley I ordered for you.”

A pout formed on her lips immediately as she glared at me.

“Same for you, Mikhail,” I said. “No matter what happens, you must stay alive.”

He rolled his eyes at me. “We’ll be fine. Stop nagging.”

Getting to my feet, I glanced at them both. “Let’s go, then.”



My eyes flew open in the dark. Heart thudding in my chest, I wondered what caused me to jerk awake so abruptly. That’s when I heard the explosions and gunfire.

My fumbling hand found the light switch and flicked it ON. Throwing the blankets off me, I climbed out of bed and ran toward the window. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the darkness outside but soon, I was able to see the groups of warring men.

Some fought. Others shot. Explosions erupted all around them, making the windowpanes rattle hard.

What’s happening?I wondered as fear gripped me by the throat.

Moving across the room, I tried the door. It was locked.

No ordinary people would be attacking the Volkovs. Lilja told me enough about them earlier for me to understand their power in the criminal underworld.

Callum, my mind whispered. He was the only one who’d dare to retaliate against them. I knew he wouldn’t sit back while I was being held by Yakim and his brothers.

The Volkov brothers hated me. Their rage was something I could handle, even embrace. It was Callum’s suffocating love that triggered the flight instinct in me.

I wanted to run away and hide at once. There was no way I could let these men find me here and take me back to my brother.

Going back to the window, I opened it and looked down. The fourth floor was too high. Even though there were no bars to stop me from jumping, I’d end up hurting myself.

Opening the window proved to be a bad mistake though.

A couple of scattered men noticed me standing there and pointed toward me. I couldn’t hear what they shouted with the sound of explosions and gunfire in the background but was sure they’d found what they were looking for.


Shit, I cursed, stepping away from the window. The modestly-sized room held no other escape.

I was trapped.