Page 23 of Captive Princess

A smile rose on my lips despite the shrill terror-stricken screams rising all around me. At this point, I didn’t even care people were dying. I was simply relieved to have an excuse to run.

Picking up my heavy skirt, I ran down the corridor. If I kept going, I’d reach the lobby and be able to make my way out through the front entrance of the hotel.

Reaching the lobby, I took cover behind a tall brass vase. Peering from the side, I found two men in black ski masks raining gunfire on the people who were desperately trying to hide behind pillars or under the tables.

My gaze fell on a familiar figure in a bright fuchsia jumpsuit and a ridiculous hat with flowers.That’s Freddy’s mom, I realized. She was hiding under a table and kept her eyes tightly squeezed.

I should’ve felt sorry for her but didn’t. She was in the same league as Callum and Freddy. Despite knowing her son was gay, she was happily participating in this sham wedding that’d ruin my life. I wouldn’t even care if one of the bullets hit her.

Surprised at the savage thoughts running through my mind, I slowly crept toward the gates in the distance. My white wedding gown must’ve camouflaged me against the white and pastel-shaded flowers covering every inch of the lobby. Whoever was shooting didn’t seem to notice my presence as they rained gunfire on the other guests.

I was halfway down the hallway when someone grabbed me from the back. A strong hand slapped over my mouth, cutting off the scream stuck in my throat.

“Where are you running off to, Princess?” A deep, luscious voice hissed in my ear.

Something inside me reverberated at the stranger’s voice. I should’ve been scared, even fighting him to get out of his clutches but I stood still, desperate to hear him speak again.

Gunfire rained down all around us but the two of us stood perfectly still.

“You’re still such a good girl, Lucia,” the man spoke again. This time I heard a hint of remorse in his voice. “It’s too bad you’re just as greedy as your brother.”

I’m not!I wanted to shout but his hand on my mouth kept me from uttering a sound.

Warmth from the man’s body seeped into my chilled skin. Why was I having such a reaction to this stranger? Did I know him?

A stabbing pain suddenly flared up at the side of my neck. It was a second before I realized the stranger had plunged a needle into my flesh.

My body squirmed and twisted in a bid to get out of his hold but his powerful arms caged me against his stone-hard chest.

I felt my arms and legs going numb, followed by a heavy blackness that settled over my eyes. Within seconds, I lost all consciousness.

Just get me out of here, I thought, closing my eyes and welcoming the darkness.



My heavy eyelids blinked several times to clear the haze from my vision. I opened my eyes and for a second, I wondered if I was still under the influence of the drug that was injected into me.

My surroundings were dark.

I tried to move and felt the scrape of cold stone underneath my feet. My wrists felt the frigid touch of metal. It took several seconds for my eyes to adjust to the dimness.

As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I realized I’d been brought into a basement. My kidnapper used manacles to shackle my wrists and left me to lie on the cold, hard ground.

The chains linked to the manacles clinked with my movements as I slowly sat up. Nothing hurt except for the stinging ache in the side of my neck. Whoever grabbed me in the hotel lobby hadn’t hurt me in any other way yet.

“She’s finally awake,” a male voice sounded from somewhere close by.

My head whipped around, searching the darkness surrounding me.

Three tall figures moved closer, looming over me. They’d been so still and quiet until now they’d almost melded among the shadows of the underground chamber.

One of the men stepped forward and kneeled before me.

I squinted, failing to even discern his facial features. Who were these men and what did they want from me?

Fear choked my throat at the uncertainty of the situation. “Who are you?” I asked through a parched throat.