Page 22 of Captive Princess

I was getting closer to a lifetime of captivity with every step inside the hotel lobby. Once the wedding was officiated, I was going to be forever tied to Freddy and Callum. Both these men would hold the reins to my life.

“This way, Lucia,” said Laura, our housekeeper, leading me down a corridor.

“Where are we going?” I asked, trying to keep up with her pace in my heavy gown and high-heeled stilettos.

“Mr. Baldwin asked me to make sure you stayed inside a secured room. He hasn’t given his permission for you to roam around the premises.”

She led me to a door that was being guarded by four stocky men in black suits. I waited while Mrs. Adams unlocked the room for me.

Callum didn’t have to bother with these security measures. If I wanted to run away, I’d have done so years ago.

“Please, go inside,” she said, stepping back.

I obeyed.

Once I was inside, the door was closed behind me.

Letting out a sigh, I looked all around me, taking in the sparsely furnished room. There was nothing here except for a single couch and a small round table with a jug of water on it.

Callum wasn’t even bothering to sugarcoat my situation. I was nothing but a captive in his hands.

Sweeping the long, wide skirt to the side, I sat down. Callum didn’t even allow me to keep my phone with me, so there was nothing to do except to count the minutes to my sham wedding.

The minutes on the wall-mounted clock crawled by. The ticking sounded awfully loud in my ears, adding to my nervousness.

There were no windows in the room, exacerbating my suffocation.

Getting to my feet, I walked the length of the room. Several times, the hem of my dress got caught under my shoes. I even heard the sound of ripping fabric a few times but I didn’t slow my pace.

Who cared if I ripped the entire dress? Freddy and Callum would still force me to get married in that exact state without batting an eye.

I glanced at the clock again. Only half an hour had passed.

With every passing minute, I felt like my lungs would collapse. Just the thought of Callum touching me brought on a cold sweat, quickening my heart palpitations.

I was drowning and no matter how much I thrashed around, there was no respite. My knees gave way, pushing me down on the plush carpet.

“Help me,” I sobbed in the still, quiet room. “Someone, please help me...”

I didn’t really think anything would come out of my pathetic breakdown. No one ever came to rescue me, so imagine my surprise when a loud blast sounded from somewhere in the building.

The ground below me shook. Even the walls seemed to rattle as two more blasts blew up somewhere in the hotel.

What was happening?

Pushing myself off the floor, I headed toward the door.

Just as I was about to reach for the doorknob, loud gunfire sounded just outside the corridor.

Could I let myself hope? Was someone crashing this wedding?

Despite the risk of being blown apart by bombs and shot down, I wrenched open the door.

There was no one in the corridor. The men guarding me were all gone!

Screams of men and women mingled the thunder of gunfire.

I weighed my options. Callum couldn’t blame me for running away if there were attackers in the hotel. My life was worth something to him, after all. A dead sister would break his deal with Freddy Stone and cost him a literal fortune.