Page 78 of Steel Queen

“You didn’t get any wine, did you?” she asked, narrowing her blue eyes at me.

“Sorry,” I said, flashing her a smile.

Usually, Milla smiled back. Right now, though, she was glaring at me with a deadly look in her eyes.

“You bought this sugary crap,” she said, gesturing at the bottles of wine coolers we’d picked up. “But you couldn’t get the one thing I asked you to.”

“I’m sure you’ve got some wine lying around here.”

“That’s not the point!”

“Open some of those drinks,” I said. “They’ll go great with the sandwiches you’ve made.”

“I made you assholes steak and mushroom sandwiches and you want to pair them up with that crap?”

“Hey,” Caleb spoke up from the corner. “Don’t yuck our yum.”

A frustrated noise left her.

Milla usually kept up such a calm and cool façade at work. It was amusing how something so silly was making her angry.

“Come over here,” she huffed. “Food’s ready.”

Caleb yawned broadly and hauled himself off the couch.

Following him, I went to join them at the dining table in the kitchen island.

“Everything smells good,” said Caleb appreciatively.

My gaze fell immediately on the thickly-stuffed meat sandwiches piled high on a large platter. A heady aroma of coffee hung over us. She’d even made a bowl of green salad.

My brother and I didn’t wait for another invitation. We each grabbed a sandwich andinhaledit within minutes.

I glanced at Milla when I was on my third sandwich.

Her anger was gone, replaced by an anxious look.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“You guys...when was the last time you ate anything?”

“I honestly can’t remember,” Caleb replied through a mouthful of salad. “Didn’t Gina bring us some breakfast yesterday morning?” he asked, looking over at me.

I shrugged. “Maybe. I haven’t paid much attention to anything over the past few days.”

“Do you guys want some more food?” she asked us. “How about some of those cupcakes you picked up earlier?”

“Sure,” I said, through a mouthful of bread and meat.

Milla expertly guessed we’d starved ourselves over the past few days without us saying a word to her. She lost her annoyance in seconds. Her soft side came up as soon as she realized we needed her.

Milla bustled around the kitchen, piling cakes and snacks on plates.

I took a grateful gulp of the hot coffee and picked up another sandwich.

Bittersweet emotions rose up inside me.

We could’ve had Milla all to ourselves and enjoyed the warmth she brought with her. Instead, we broke her down so badly she had to flee from us.