Page 64 of Steel Queen

Our minds churned with worry.

We left Dad without getting a glimpse of him. The doctor said Dad was going to be okay but it wasn’t exactly a guarantee if they were still keeping him under observation.

I didn’t even want to think of the consequences on Amhurst Co. if he suddenly died. We hadn’t elected a successor to his position yet. Without his presence, it’d be a bigger chaos.

Milla is my daughter, my real biological daughter.Dad’s scream echoed in my mind.

Did he mean what he said? Was he even aware of what “biological” meant?

I couldn’t wait for the night to be over so I could ask him the question that was on everyone’s mind. Was Milla our half-sister?

The thought scared and sickened me. There was no way I could feel that way about a woman who was supposed to be mysister.

We can’t be related, I screamed silently. The urge to throw and smash things grew stronger, telling me I had to get away from everyone before I did something I’d regret.

“I’m going upstairs,” I said, getting up from the table.

“You barely ate anything,” said Corey, looking at me anxiously.

“I’m not hungry.” Rubbing my forehead, I risked a glance at Milla.

She was quietly sipping her coffee and staring unseeingly at a painting of a fruit bowl on the opposite wall. I doubted she even heard me.

“You guys should head to bed too,” I said, looking back at Corey. “It’s best to go to the hospital as early as possible.”

“Yeah,” he agreed, taking a big swig of water. “Staying awake is only making me think useless shit. Let’s go.” He stood up to join me.

“You’re both going?” Milla asked, finally becoming conscious of her surroundings.

“There’s no point in staying up and stewing in anxiety,” said Corey.

“Come on, we’ll go too,” said Caleb, getting up. “You can sleep with me tonight.”

“What’s wrong with you?” Corey hissed at once.

“Hey, I just want her to feel comfortable here,” Caleb defended himself at once. “I’ll take the couch and she can have my bed.”

“It’s still going to be weird,” said Milla, chewing on her plump bottom lip.

The unconscious gesture sent a jolt of heat through me. Fuck! How could I still want those plush lips wrapped around my cock when there was a chance she could be my sister?

“Let’s get her settled in a guest bedroom,” said Corey.

I silently cheered for him. Having her stay in a separate room, away from all of us, was the only way we could catch some sleep tonight.

“That’s a better idea,” said Milla, standing up from her chair.

She followed Caleb out of the room, leaving me and Corey together.

“Are you scared to touch her too?” Corey whispered.

“I’m not exactly scared,” I replied. “Just unsure...”

“What if she’s really our—”

I clamped my hand over his mouth. “Don’t even say it.”

Gazing into my eyes, Corey nodded.